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Liquid Index Series January 2020 Quarterly Review

Brave New Coin Index Governance Committee announces the following items discussed during the BNC January 2020 Quarterly Index Review. This change will affect the Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX), Ethereum Liquid Index and XRP Liquid Index (XRPLX).

Trust Factors

The trust factors have been recalculated for the next quarter. The committee analyses the difference with last quarter and no anomaly has been identified.

Coinbase Pro Incident

On 31st October 2019, Coinbase Pro experienced technical issues with their platform which caused a suspension of BTC/USD market.

This incident did not have any impact on BLX as it was handled by the index’s Price Anomaly Factor (PAF) which limits the impact of outlier transactions.

The Index Committee reviewed the incident and was satisfied with the remedial steps Coinbase Pro took post the incident. Therefore no further actions are required.

Constituent Evaluation (BLX)

After 3 months evaluation of the below constituent, the LXGP has decided that it has presented enough traded volume and order book depth for inclusion as an LX constituent. Therefore, it will be included in the BLX.

Index Exchange Market
Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) Coinbase Pro BTC/EUR

Please see the below public release for full details on this announcement.

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