Liquid Index Series July 2019 Quarterly Review
Brave New Coin Index Governance Committee announces the following items discussed during the BNC July 2019 Quarterly Index Review. This change will affect the Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX), Ethereum Liquid Index and XRP Liquid Index (XRPLX).
Constituent evaluation (XRPLX)
After 3 months evaluation of the below constituent, the Index Committee has decided that it has presented enough traded volume and order book depth for inclusion as an LX constituent. Therefore, it will be included in the XRPLX.
- Coinbase Pro for XRP/USD
Bitfinex re-inclusion
The price premiums on Bitfinex have reduced to levels on par with the other exchange constituents. Bitfinex represents significant volumes across the LX series. However, the Index Committee will wait another quarter without further incidents before making a firm decision on adding them again in the different LX constituents.
BTC/JPY market pairs
Considering the size and reliability of this market, the Index Committee has decided to investigate multiple exchanges that could potentially be included as constituents in the BLX. In no particular order:
- Bitfinex
- Bitflyer
- BitBank
Please see the below public release for full details on this announcement.
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