How Does a Dex Work?
While all cryptocurrency exchanges provide a digital marketplace where users can buy and sell different crypto assets, how exactly they provide that service can differ a lot. In this article, we investigate the unique attributes and advantages of Decentralized Exchanges.
The Workings of a Crypto Matching Engine
You’ve probably heard of crypto matching engines before, but do you really know what they do? In this post, we’ll take a close-up look at exchange matching engines and the important role they play in matching buyers with sellers in today’s crypto markets.
Top Five Tips for Buying Cryptocurrency For Beginners
Whether you’re buying Bitcoin or Ethereum - or any one of the thousands of other cryptocurrencies that exist today, the tips in this article can help you buy securely and profitably.
Fake volumes & wash trading needs to end
The fake volume problem is getting worse. In the period from November 2018 to January 2019 BNC analysis identified 68% of reported market volume on the 240 exchanges it tracks as being suspect - up from 54% in the previous period. For the cryptocurrency ecosystem to achieve its full potential this flagrant misrepresentation must end.
TIE report names and shames fake volume exchanges
New report reveals worst offenders for wash trading and transaction mining – and shows 59 percent of exchanges are reporting suspicious trading volume.
Google to relax crypto ad ban
Google has announced a limited rollback of its broad-ranging crypto advertising ban — and will enact a new policy in October