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BNC news and insights becomes part of Dow Jones Factiva database

BNC news and insights becomes part of Dow Jones Factiva database

Brave New Coin's (BNC) digital currency market news and insights are now available on Dow Jones Factiva, a database that aggregates more than 33,000 trusted, high-quality news and content sources from across the globe.

As markets today are being driven as much by macro narratives of trade and currency wars as they are by fundamental factors, data-driven insights and analysis are an increasingly important tool for traders and investors in decision-making. Moreover, BNC sees the utility of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as alternative assets becoming more widely accepted into 2020 and beyond.

BNC has been at the intersection of cryptocurrency data and knowledge since 2014. BNC Research and Insights provide unique future perspectives and asset analysis by leveraging its expertise across the Techemy Group, a stable of blockchain infrastructure companies that spans digital identity, blockchain development, advisory, trading and professional fund management.

The BNC editorial model has long been lauded for its advertising-free and impartial coverage and is quoted widely in the industry.

Brave New Coin’s institutional-grade market data is used by Amazon Alexa, and its LX indices for Bitcoin (BLX), Ethereum (ELX) and Ripple (XRPLX) are distributed by Nasdaq and others, offering traders and investors IOSCO-aligned global spot prices for price discovery. BNC’s suite of near real-time aggregated market data and indices is accessible via dedicated web sockets or REST APIs.

BNC is expanding its insights offerings with BNC Research and podcasts and recently joined KPMG and R3 as a member of Wall Street Blockchain Alliance — a non-profit trade association. The move will see the WSBA and Brave New Coin (BNC) work together to provide quarterly market updates and proprietary market data solutions for members.

“Partnering with Dow Jones Factiva is yet another example of how BNC is providing a bridge between legacy and emerging markets. BNC believes that clients need to be able to access and consume our data wherever, whenever and however they choose,” says Rory Manchee Head of Business Development at BNC.

“This means having multiple delivery and distribution channels, including vendors such as Dow Jones Factiva.”

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