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Liquid Index Series October 2019 Quarterly Review

Brave New Coin Index Governance Committee announces the following items discussed during the BNC October 2019 Quarterly Index Review. This change will affect the Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX), Ethereum Liquid Index and XRP Liquid Index (XRPLX).

Bitfinex re-inclusion

Bitfinex represents significant trading volumes across the LX series. However, the Index Committee decided during the review to not include them for the following quarter. The on-going incidents to Bitfinex push their re-inclusion decision to a further date.

  • Ongoing fraud lawsuit initiated by New-York attorney general denying the company’s request for the case to be dismissed.
  • Announcement by Bitfinex that they are expecting a new market manipulation lawsuit.

Whether these statements are true or false, the Index Committee assessed that they will need further discussion with Bitfinex representatives to get clarity on their status before taking any further action.

Qualitative Factors Methodology

To keep improving its methodology, the Index Committee has started to identify new methods that will reinforce the liquidity evaluation. These metrics are currently being tested and could potentially be subject to inclusion as part of the qualitative factors.

Please see the below public release for full details on this announcement.

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