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What is Cryptocurrency Trading, and How Does it Work?

What is Cryptocurrency Trading, and How Does it Work?

Read this cryptocurrency trading guide to learn more about cryptocurrency trading, how it works, and what affects the markets.

Trading cryptocurrencies entails making predictions about price changes using a CFD trading account or purchasing and selling the underlying coins on an exchange. You may learn more about crypto trading, its operation, and what influences the markets in this crypto trading guide.

CFD trading on cryptocurrencies

Trading CFDs and derivatives let you foresee price changes in cryptocurrencies without buying any underlying coins. If your technical analysis indicates cryptocurrency’s value will increase, you can go long (BUY) or short (SELL) if it indicates a decrease.

Both are leveraged securities, and thus, to fully access the underlying market, you just need to deposit a small margin. Leverage will increase both gains and losses because the total size of your investment still determines your profit or loss.

Using an exchange to buy and sell cryptocurrencies

Unlike crypto trading, you buy the actual coins when you buy cryptocurrencies on an exchange or through peer-to-peer. You must open an exchange account, fund it with the entire asset value, and store the cryptocurrency tokens in your own wallet until you’re ready to sell in order to start a position.

You need to master the technology and understand how to interpret the data. In addition, several exchanges limit the amount you can deposit, and maintaining an account can be very expensive for some newbie traders.

How do marketplaces for cryptocurrencies operate?

Because cryptocurrency markets are decentralized, no single entity, such as a government, issues or supports them. Instead, they travel through the Internet. But cryptocurrencies can be traded through exchanges and kept in digital "wallets."

Conventional currencies rely on a central bank to determine their value, but cryptocurrencies do not have such a controlling authority. In fact, cryptocurrencies are virtual currency that uses blockchain technology to record transactions. People can send bitcoin units to one another’s digital wallets when they want to exchange them. Transactions are verified and added to the blockchain through a process called mining, which permanently records them. Additionally, this is how new bitcoin tokens are typically produced.

What is blockchain?

A blockchain is a public digital ledger of data that has been recorded. This is the transaction history for each bitcoin unit, demonstrating how ownership has changed over time. Blockchain keeps track of transactions in units called "blocks," with new blocks constantly being added to the chain.

Special security safeguards that are not present in standard computer files are provided by blockchain technology.

Network Consensus

Instead of being kept in a single location, a blockchain file is always kept on several computers throughout a network and is typically accessible to everyone on the network. As a result, it is transparent and extremely difficult to change because there is not a single place vulnerable to hacking, human, or software error.


Cryptography is a branch of mathematics and computer science that connects blocks. Any attempt to alter the data disrupts the block’s cryptographic connections, and the network’s computers can quickly identify this as fraud.

Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrencies are produced by a fully digital process called "mining." This process is difficult. Bitcoins are essentially paid to miners in exchange for using sophisticated computer systems to solve particular mathematical puzzles. One bitcoin would be mined in ten minutes in an ideal world, but in reality, it usually takes thirty days.


The selection of a pool of pending transactions is made by mining equipment, confirming that the sender has sufficient funds to complete the transaction. This requires comparing the transaction data to the blockchain’s transaction history. Finally, the use of the sender’s private key to authorize the transfer of funds is verified by a second check.

What moves cryptocurrency markets?

Supply and demand determine how much cryptocurrency is in demand. Although they frequently continue to be immune from several of the political and economic problems that traditional currencies confront since they are decentralized. While there are some uncertainties around them, the following factors might have a substantial impact on cryptocurrency values:

  • Supply: how many coins there are overall and how quickly they are released, destroyed or lost
  • Market capitalization: the value of all currencies in circulation and how users believe it is changing.
  • Press: how cryptocurrencies are portrayed in the media and how much attention they are receiving.
  • Integration: how well existing infrastructure, including e-commerce payment systems, can accommodate cryptocurrencies.
  • Key events: important occurrences, including legislative changes, security lapses, and financial difficulties.

How does crypto trading work?

Any platform allows you to trade cryptocurrencies using a CFD account derivative products that let you guess whether the value of the cryptocurrency of your choice will increase or decrease. Of course, prices are expressed in traditional currencies like the US dollar, and you never actually possess a cryptocurrency. However, you can open a position for a small part of the overall trading value because CFDs are leveraged products. Leveraged products can increase your profits, but if the market goes against you, they can also increase your losses.

What is the spread in crypto trading?

The spread is the variation in a cryptocurrency’s advertised buy and sale prices. When you begin trading a cryptocurrency, you will be given two prices for the coin. The buying price, which is a little bit higher than the market price, is where you trade when you wish to establish a long position. Conversely, if you wish to initiate a short position, you trade at the selling price, which is a little below the market price.

A ‘lot’ in cryptocurrency trading

Lots are groups of cryptocurrency tokens designed to standardize the size of trades in the cryptocurrency market. Due to the extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies, most lots only contain one unit of the base coin. Some coins, nevertheless, are exchanged in larger lots.

Leverage in crypto trading

Leverage allows you to access significant cryptocurrency holdings without paying the entire value of your trade upfront while trading cryptos. Instead, you make a negligible margin deposit. Your profit or loss when you finish a leveraged position is determined by the deal’s total value.

Leverage will increase your profits, but it also increases your chance of losses that could be more than your margin on any given trade. Therefore, learning how to limit your risk is crucial when engaging in leveraged trading.

Margin in crypto trading

A crucial component of leveraged trading is the margin. This is your initial investment to begin and sustain a leveraged position. Keep in mind that your margin requirements will vary based on your broker and the number of your trades when crypto trades on margin.

Margin is often displayed as a percentage of the entire position.

Pip in cryptocurrency trading

Pips, which refer to a one-digit fluctuation in the price at a particular level, are the units used to measure movement in the price of a cryptocurrency. Since most valued cryptocurrencies are traded at the "dollar" level, a change from $100 to $105 would indicate a five-pip movement in the price of the cryptocurrency.

A pip, or point, can represent a cent or even a tiny fraction of a cent when trading some lower-value cryptocurrencies, which are exchanged on different scales. Before you place a deal, you must study the details on your preferred trading platform to ensure you comprehend the level at which price changes will be evaluated.

Editorial Note: This is a sponsored article. Opinions expressed are solely those of the sponsor and readers should conduct their own due diligence before taking any action based on information presented in this article.

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