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Bitcoin Halving

(The Halvening)

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, with no central authority. The Bitcoin network is secured by miners. Miners are specialized computers that use a consensus mechanism called “proof of work” to verify each block of bitcoin transactions.

Miners are rewarded for their work with newly-created bitcoins. This is called the block reward. This is how new bitcoins are released into the system. A new block of transactions is added to the Bitcoin blockchain approximately every ten minutes. The miner that verifies each block receives the block reward. The current block reward is 6.25 bitcoins per block.

The number of new bitcoins that are created via the block reward is reduced by half every four years. This is known as the Bitcoin Halving. The next halving will be the Fourth Bitcoin Halving (H4). This is when the current block reward of 6.25 bitcoins will reduce by half to 3.125 bitcoins.

The Bitcoin Halving Cycle 2024

The Bitcoin Halving Cycle 2024 by Kinoko_zoku on

Brave New Coin
Halving 4 Complete
Brave New Coin

Countdown to Bitcoin Block Halving 5
Based on internal Methodology:

Estimated Next Halving Date: 

Bitcoin Halving

Price before and after 12 months:

Halving 1 Timestamp: 2012-11-28 15:24:38
USD Price at Halving: $12.45
USD Price Before Halving
-12 months -9 months -6 months -3 months -1 months
2.54 4.86 5.13 10.97 10.69
-388.49% -155.83% -142.42% -13.49% -16.36%
USD Price After Halving
1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
13.39 33.42 126.24 95.49 1,050.39
7.57% 168.45% 913.99% 667.06% 8336.90%

Halving 1 (H1) Block Data

Block Height 210,000
Timestamp 2012-11-28 15:24:38
Miners reward USD $462.7554
Relayed by Slushpool
Difficulty 3,438,908.96
Size 199.127 kB
# of Transactions 457
Price USD $12.45
Halving 2 Timestamp: 2016-07-09 16:46:13
USD Price at Halving: $648.65
USD Price Before Halving
-12 months -9 months -6 months -3 months -1 months
269.26 246.51 448.62 418.54 581.69
-140.90% -163.13% -44.59% -54.98% -11.51%
USD Price After Halving
1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
584.51 616.10 901.09 1,206.45 2,500.13
-9.89% -5.02% 38.92% 85.99% 285.43%

Halving 2 (H2) Block Data

Block Height 420,000
Timestamp 2016-07-09 16:46:13
Miners reward USD $8,499.2029
Relayed by F2Pool
Difficulty 213,398,925,331
Size 999.838 kB
# of Transactions 1,257
Price USD $648.65
Halving 3 Timestamp: 2020-05-11 19:23:43
USD Price at Halving: $8,519.42
USD Price Before Halving
-12 months -9 months -6 months -3 months -1 months
7,208.12 11,568.85 8,720.20 10,271.12 6,891.54
-18.19% 26.36% 2.30% 17.05% -23.62%
USD Price After Halving
1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
9,275.26 11,393.41 15,704.97 48,010.55 56,746.42
8.87% 33.73% 84.34% 463.54% 8336.90%

Halving 3 (H3) Block Data

Block Height 630,000
Timestamp 2020-05-11 19:23:43
Miners reward USD $60,996.32
Relayed by AntPool
Difficulty 16,104,807,485,529.30
Size 1,869.30 kB
# of Transactions 3,134
Price USD $8,519.42
Halving 4 Timestamp:
USD Price at Halving:
USD Price Before Halving
-12 months -9 months -6 months -3 months -1 months
-% -% -% -% -%
USD Price After Halving
1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months
-% -% -% -% -%

Halving 4 (H4) Block Data

Block Height 840,000
Miners reward USD
Relayed by
# of Transactions
Price USD
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