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$BEER, a New Solana-Based Memecoin completes Pre-Sale of 30,000 SOL this week

23 May 2024

The Liquid Gold, $BEER, has become the most discussed topic on Solana over the past two weeks. $BEER has skyrocketed into Twitter trends across Europe & Asia, captivating beer lovers worldwide.

After amassing an incredible community of over 300,000 followers on Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram in just a few days, Beercoin launched a massive pre-sale with a hard cap of 30,000 $SOL, equivalent to $5 million USD. This target was achieved in a record time. Pre-sale participants who joined before the $3 million mark will receive a 20% bonus in $BEER, while those who entered before the $5 million mark will receive a 15% bonus.

With the pre-sale concluded, the Beercoin team is planning to list $BEER on Raydium and other DEXes in coming days. Also, the team has pre-announced a massive marketing campaign for $BEER holders and promoters with prizes such as a private jet trip to Oktoberfest and brand-new Tesla CyberTruck loaded with beer.

$BEER is aiming to get into the league of the industry giants like $PEPE, $WIF, and $FLOKI, which are now dominating the top of memecoin charts with billions in market cap.

For those who missed the pre-sale, there will be plenty of opportunities to acquire $BEER. Users can stay updated by following the official Beercoin website and social media channels.

About $BEER

$BEER is more than another coin, it works as the universal currency of enjoyment, bringing people together regardless of their ethnicity or social status.


Handzy Mykh
Beersol Limited
[email protected]


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