Bitcoin and Blockchain Education: The Key to Innovation

Not only are companies delving into the technology underlying bitcoin, Universities are also seizing opportunities in the digital currency era.
Bitcoin is being hailed as a technology which has the ability to improve archaic payment systems and stimulate innovation using smart contracts. Universities across the world are now taking an interest in the technology.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
— – Nelson Mandela
The most recent University to announce a bitcoin related course is the California-based Stanford. Crypto Currencies: Bitcoin and Friends will run for three months, starting in Sept. The course will be taught by Dr. Dan Boneh, and is available to students enrolled in the university’s Cyber Security Graduate Certificate.
Other universities are also offering course on bitcoin and the blockchain, including MIT, Duke University, Stern Business School at New York University, Princeton University, the University of Maryland, the University of Nicosia, and Coursera.
NYU Stern are yet to announce whether they will repeat a course they ran last year, ‘The Law and Business of Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies.’ They will, however, be conducting a two day course ‘Digital Currency: Revolution in Money and Payments,’ which will cost US$3,600. Stanford’s ten week course costs US$3,960, Princeton’s seven week ‘Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies’ course can be accessed for free via Coursera.
“This course introduces participants to digital currencies and emerging mobile payment systems. Based on new applications of information technology, these virtual currencies attempt to remove money and banking from the control of sovereign governments, and they represent one of the most disruptive innovations ever in consumer finance. The underlying distributed ledger technology has many other potential applications in diverse areas such as property registration, accounting and auditing, gambling and financial derivatives.” – NYU Stern
It isn’t just the Universities that are tackling blockchain technology. Pavel Kravchenko has been touring Europe, sharing his knowledge by giving free lectures and creating courses.
“I travel a lot, invest in startups and offline business and love meeting people who achieved great results. My expertise lies mainly in information security, software development and project management. Currently digging deep into Bitcoin/cryptocurrency sphere.”
— – Kravchenko
Kravchenko has experience in information security, including cryptography and public key infrastructures. He also has a Radioelectronics PhD from Kharkiv National University. “I am passionate about the idea of cryptocurrency and its applications to real world (smart contracts, digital law etc) so I decided to share as much information as I can,” said Kravchenko.
“The role of a modern university is providing an environment for continuous education, a platform for knowledge sharing, and a space where innovative people will meet and create. That’s why courses about emerging technologies are very important – they gather the right people and create a unique spirit.”
— – Kravchenko
Kravchenko’s topics include the blockchain, mining, proof of work, multisignature, ledger based systems, smart contracts, anonymity principles and cryptographic mechanisms. “So basically in the lectures I answer all the questions about the industry in a logical sequence,” said Kravchenko. “I am trying to answer all possible questions people can have, going from general info of what Bitcoin is, to how it works, and why it works like this.”
The offline lectures, which Kravchenko has taught in the past, have attracted a diverse audience, consisting of students, lawyers, economists, bankers and entrepreneurs. While his average class size is 20 people, the first lectures were attended by more than 80.
Five universities have shown an interest in Kravchenko’s course. Two preliminary agreements are in place with universities, in Helsinki and Lichtenstein. He believes it is increasingly important for universities to provide educational opportunities in the bitcoin space, “Education itself plays many roles. It spreads knowledge, motivates people for further learning and achievements and improves soft skills.”
“Cutting edge knowledge and examples from real use-cases are perfectly matching theoretic education that students obtain in the university. They become motivated and passionate. I would say that the best employees for fast growing companies are students.”
— – Kravchenko
Kravchenko is also building a research lab in Kharkiv, Ukraine. He already has six students working full time and another three as part time researchers. “The interesting thing is that old students are sharing knowledge with young that brings network effect – from September one of them will conduct full course in a local college.”
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