B Holmes

Whether it is meeting new people, researching new projects or exploring new environments, B.Holmes lives for novelty. The Bitcoin space feeds this craving in many aspects and she believes it will provide a brighter future for all. B.Holmes has written her first novel The Range of Illusion which focuses on key issues our world faces day to day. Currently she is working on the sequel which focuses on the passion and creativity of Bitcoin technology enthusiasts and what can be achieved. Follow B.Holmes on Twitter @BanteringB, or contact via email: [email protected]


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1904, 2016

VC Investment Company, Banking on Blockchain Fund, joins the blockchain investment landscape

|19 Apr 2016|News|

Life.SREDA recently announced a new fund called Banking on Blockchain Fund, or BB Fund for short. The Fund offers start-up capital for early stage blockchain companies, giving financial institutions access to the “rapidly-growing blockchain ecosystem.” The Fund starts with US$5m in capital, from Life.SREDA, with a near-term goal of expanding to $50 million by the end of the year. The long term goal is $100 million in backing from financial institutions by 2017.

1804, 2016

Encryption debate ignores decentralised messaging platforms

|18 Apr 2016|News|

A draft of the Compliance with Court Orders Act of 2016 was officially released last week, confirming that the WikiLeaks release was accurate. Written by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr and Vice Chairman Dianne Feinstein, the bill ensures that “everyone must comply with court orders to protect America from criminals and terrorists.”

1404, 2016

Custos uses bitcoin to tackle piracy

|14 Apr 2016|News|

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) recently released its latest Theatrical Market Statistics Report, revealing that global box office revenues reached US$38.3b in 2015, up 5% on 2014. The United States and Canada generated US$11.1b, while international box office revenues hit US$27.2b.

1204, 2016

GameCredits develops in-game payment API for cryptocurrency

|12 Apr 2016|News|

Virtual currencies come in many shapes and sizes, from Bitcoin to Amazon Coin. The gaming industry has a whole subset all of their own. Within World of Warcraft there are multiple virtual items available for sale. In order to purchase these items, players are required to use the in-game currency Gold, which can be earned, purchased, or received as payment for items sold at the Auction House. As of November 2015, the online game had over 5.5 million subscribers.

904, 2016

The SAFE network: Giving a decentralised internet back to the people

|9 Apr 2016|News|

The internet has become a large part of everyday life, approximately 40% of the world’s population has a connection, and we use it in a myriad of different ways. Communication, financial transactions, education, research, real-time updates, online bookings, job searches, blogging, shopping, and storage all add to an ever-increasing amount of digitized information.

804, 2016

Blockchain initiatives going mainstream

|8 Apr 2016|News|

Governor Jack Markell recently announced a new suite of programs that aim to encourage Delaware-incorporated companies to use and develop distributed ledgers and smart contract technology, “Delaware has long been the jurisdiction of choice for the most innovative companies in the world.”

404, 2016

‘Banking industry is ripe for disruption,’ states Edgar, Dunn & Company

|4 Apr 2016|News|

Edgar, Dunn & Company recently released the Advanced Payments Report for 2016, sponsored by Wirecard, a global financial services and technology company. Wirecard is considered to be a key player and innovator within the digital payments world. It assists companies such as FinTech startups, retailers and airlines to meet their digital payments requirements.

204, 2016

Regulators call for careful approach to blockchain technology solutions

|2 Apr 2016|News|

The Montreal Economic Institute recently released a [paper](http://www.iedm.org/59576-the-underestimated-economic-benefits-of-the-internet) written by economist Mathieu Bédard PhD, The Underestimated Economic Benefits of the Internet: “It seems destined, in all likelihood, to be the primary driver of economic growth in the coming years, even though we still do not appreciate the full extent of its impact on the economy.”

3003, 2016

Open source blockchain project, hyperledger, settling it at the linux foundation

|30 Mar 2016|News|

The open source movement can be traced back as far as 1997, when Eric Raymond published The Cathedral and the Bazaar. The paper reflected upon the hacker community and free software principles. It received significant attention in 1998, and was a key driving factor behind the decision to release the Internet suite, Netscape Communicator, as free software. The source code went on to become the backbone of many search engines, including the widely used Mozilla Firefox.

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