Bryce Galbraith

Based in Munich, Germany, Bryce Galbraith has been deeply engaged in the blockchain industry since mid-2016. With experience in blockchain advisory, venture capital, and a current role as a blockchain product owner, his multifaceted background spans various aspects of the technology. Bryce holds a BCom and BSc from the University of Auckland, underlining his expertise in the field.


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Class action lawsuit filed against, the company behind EOS

|19 May 2020|News|

The company that conducted the initial coin offering (ICO) for the EOS token,, has had a class-action lawsuit filed against them in the Southern District of New York. The suit alleges that the company defrauded the plaintiffs through a year-long illegal ICO that raised more than US$4 billion but left investors with an unregulated asset.

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Robinhood funds earmarked for platform upgrades

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Robinhood is a commission-free trading platform that allows users to trade stocks, ETFs, options, gold, and crypto via a mobile app or web browser. The company was founded in 2013 and has been one of the most successful fintech startups of recent years. Robinhood’s main source of revenue comes from interest earned on customers’ cash balances and margin lending. The company has ~10 million users.

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Zerion tackles fragmented DeFi landscape

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According to Zerion CEO Evgeny Yurtaev there are two major issues in the current crypto space. Primarily, although protocols are decentralized many access points to the system, like exchanges, are still centralized. In addition, many crypto projects are managed through centralized organizations that too often lack transparency or accountability. As a result, the blockchain industry has not yet opened up finance.

2204, 2020

Crude oil futures crash leaves bitcoin unscathed

|22 Apr 2020|News|

Owing to restrictions within the U.S. and abroad during the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for refined petroleum products has all but disappeared. As a result, oil refineries have significantly cut their production and purchase of crude oil. This change in market demand created a dynamic where there were too many sellers and limited buyers.

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