Piotr Piasecki

Piotr Piasecki is a Senior Developer at Factom. He has been a respected member of the Bitcoin community since 2011, posting under the nickname “ThePiachu”.  Piotr wrote his master thesis on Bitcoin security in Technical University of Lodz, in Poland. He is a former moderator and top contributor to Bitcoin.StackExchange.com as well as a current moderator of /r/Bitcoin subreddit. Piotr runs a number of Bitcoin-focused websites, including Vanity Pool and TestNet Faucet, and writes a blog on cryptocurrencies.


More from this author

3005, 2016

Tau-Chain – a programmer’s perspective

|30 May 2016|News|

Living in the Bitcoin land, you never know what you might come across next. It could be as benign as someone issuing a currency backed by pre-1965 silver US dimes, as geeky as someone creating a blockchain to mine for prime numbers, or it could be as convoluted as BitShares with the many iterations it had over the years (as someone put it - "BitSharesX - An Alt Coin That Is Impossible To Understand"). Over the last few months, I've been seeing a lot of spam about Tau-Chain, along with its many extravagant claims, and figured it might be interesting to try to understand it.

2605, 2016

Bitcoin rivals

|26 May 2016|News|

While Bitcoin might not compete against Gold or USD, it can still catch the attention of some [gold bugs](http://www.wsj.com/articles/bitcoin-catches-on-with-gold-bugs-1463959897), [internet sellers](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3dsyj6/the_backpage_effect), or [the unbankables](http://tpbit.blogspot.ca/2014/10/for-unbankables.html). Bitcoin might be too small to compete in the primary markets of companies like PayPal or Western Union, but it seems to be catching up in the more fringe markets.

1403, 2016

Bitcoin moderation – three years in review

|14 Mar 2016|News|

In the past few months the moderation of /r/Bitcoin has become a contentious issue. Ever since the ban on discussion of alt-clients like BitcoinXT, the community seems to have fractured into a  few camps, sometimes vilifying one another. I was asked to clarify where I stand on this and a few other issues, so I might as well roll a few /r/Bitcoin-related topics into a blog post for future reference.

803, 2016

Alternative means of settling with bitcoin

|8 Mar 2016|News|

Bitcoin has recently experienced another "stress test," in form of a lot of transaction spam. Along with the continuous debate on whether or not to increase the Bitcoin block size, a lot of people have started looking at the potential outcomes of the situation.

301, 2016

Positive and negative proofs in blockchain audits

|3 Jan 2016|News|

As the old logical fallacy goes -[ you can't prove a negative](http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Negative_proof), and[ absence of evidence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_ignorance#Absence_of_evidence) is not[ evidence of absence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence_of_absence). While for a long time this might've been true in various financial audits - you could only prove that some invoice existed, not that there were no invoices you missed.

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