Samuel Bocetta

Sam Bocetta is a freelance journalist specializing in U.S. diplomacy and national security, with emphases on technology trends in cyberwarfare, cyberdefense, and cryptography. He is a retired defense analyst for the Navy and a former consultant at Baird Capital's U.S. Private Equities division. Through Lakeview Capital, he also cultivates funding for promising defense projects — usually in naval ballistics and/or encryption applications. Currently he is working as a part-time cybersecurity coordinator at


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2602, 2021

The best anonymous cryptocurrencies in 2021

|26 Feb 2021|News|

As concerns about privacy and data breaches continue to escalate, more and more people are turning to privacy coins to shield their financial transactions from prying eyes. So what is an anonymous cryptocurrency, where can you get them and what can you do with them?

3011, 2017

Can Bitcoin actually remove the middlemen from corporate finance?

|30 Nov 2017|News|

If you’ve been involved with blockchain for a while, you may have picked up on a recurring theme in many recent news stories — something along the lines of ‘blockchain is the future,’ ‘it will only continue to grow in the coming years’, and ‘it will revolutionize corporate finance by de-centralizing lending and removing the need for middlemen.” Are they right? Currently, there are two dominant perspectives on that.

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