Trent McConaghy
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Blockchains for Artificial Intelligence
In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) researchers have finally cracked problems that they’ve worked on for decades, from Go to human-level speech recognition. A key piece was the ability to gather and learn on mountains of data, which pulled error rates past the success line. In short, big data has transformed AI, to an almost unreasonable level.
Blockchains for Big Data
Big data arose in the early and mid 2000s to meet internet-scale computation needs: ZooKeeper at Yahoo, BigTable and MapReduce at Google, Cassandra at Facebook; and so on. Then came open source projects like Hadoop File System (HDFS), Hadoop MapReduce, Cassandra, and more.
A Decentralized Content Registry for the Decentralized Web
Bitcoin inspired many of us in various ways. For me, it was an inspiration that you could have a global shared database for the planet, especially for creative works and for self-sovereign personal data.
A Tool for Generating Blockchain Application Ideas
At BigchainDB, people often approach us with their “next great blockchain idea.” At least 8 times out of 10, that idea could be best implemented by a traditional database. But sometimes, the ideas are genuinely applicable.
Six Blockchain application verticals, opportunities for your next project
We see six key verticals where blockchains are being applied. Each of these has many business opportunities. We’re still in the early days of blockchain and the broader decentralization movement, which means there is still plenty of opportunity in each vertical.
Three blockchain benefits, above and beyond traditional databases
If you’re thinking about business opportunities for blockchain technology, it’s useful to avoid getting over-excited about an idea that a traditional centralized database could do just as well. How do you parse which is which?