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MunneCoin To Launch Education Portal

MunneCoin To Launch Education Portal

When work started on MunneCoin the developers realized there was a key issue regarding education in the crypto space. Devplus, Munne developer and co-founder, explains Munne University.

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The fusion of cryptocurrency and education has taken many forms over the last year. BraveNewCoin’s Sophie Schuhmacher recently reported on Montreal University McGill’s airdrop campaign in which 600 students are to receive 30mBTC in the form of a paper wallet and information pack contained within an envelope.

Gems, the crypto social messaging app that seeks to bring crypto to the masses joined forces with the College Crypto Network (CCN) in December 2014. This strategic partnership brought 1 million students, in over 150 Universities across the United States, an accessible means to experience cryptocurrency in a new light.

MunneCoin the peer-to-peer, proof-of-stake cryptocurrency, which operates on its own blockchain, is going to bring students to Bitcoin and altcoin’s with a University of its own.

“We are focusing all of our resources on creating an excellent product following the philosophy of giving great importance to both the design and user-friendliness. At the same time we are building an integral environment that will allow us to grow in a natural way.”
— – Mchrono, Developer and co-founder at Munne

Devplus, Developer and co-founder at Munne, discusses with BraveNewCoin why he feels adoption is impeded. Due to a lack of education, many people still view cryptocurrency as a vehicle for illicit dealings. Munne University is designed to tackle this misconception, by providing education on the positive applications this agnostic technology enables.

“Mchrono and I decided that something important for Munne was to change the way people think of crypto and the best way to do that is to create a digital platform to educate people starting with the basic to the complex,” says Devplus

Munnes aim is to provide an education platform, similar to websites offering multiple applications and features, assisting people to learn more about their interests in the crypto space.

“Munne University is a virtual educational platform in which everyone will be able to take online courses in the form of videos, documents and interactive programs in order to learn the functions of cryptocoins, how to use them and other related topics.”
— – Mchrono

Devplus uses Udemy as an example. Udemy claims to be,  “the world’s largest destination for online courses” and has a vast array of topics, served in multiple forms. However, at the time this article went to press only nine educational options exist for those interested in crypto.

When Munne first launched they introduced their game Mafioso, a unique draw to MunneCoin. Although a separate project, Devplus believes Munne University and Mafioso are intrinsically linked. “We think that ‘gamification’ is important to Munne University as it encourages peoples to use our platform. It changes the way people think of our service. It’s not a ‘digital school’, this sounds kind of boring, but a social and game oriented experience.”

Those who complete a course will receive what Devplus refers to as ‘Badges’. They represent the achievements of individuals participating within the Munne University programme. The online language platform rewards users for completion of courses with ‘Lingots’, which can be collected and spent on items in the ‘Duolingo’ store. Rewards will also be allocated to those who post highly rated comments in forums.

This framework is intended to incentivise and encourage users. Devplus believes that the psychology behind rewards systems plays a large part in the success of Munne University.

“Gamification is a way to encourage users to do something, turning tasks into games. For example in Munne University, if you watch your first video you get a badge. This way it’s more fun to watch videos, because you “win” something,” says Devplus

Devplus states, that to get the courses fully up and running, the key is to attract and hire instructors able to create courses. All courses will be checked for quality, however the instructors will not be directed in their creative process.  There will be a financial incentive for participating instructors. 261 Bitcoins were raised in Munnes’ Initial Coin Offering, of which 9% – 10% will cover the costs of the University aspect of Munne.

Courses on offer will include;

  • Free: Quite literally what it sounds like
  • Free and Tipping: Courses in which the instructors are tipped for their efforts. 100% of the tips will go to the instructors.
  • Paid: The course charges a fee. Initially the instructors will receive 95% of the fees, which will eventually decrease to 60% – 70% as it increases in popularity.

“We want Munne University to become the first place people think of to learn about crypto and where to find experts,” says Devplus

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