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Spells of Genesis First Milestone Reached, Following Successful Token Sale

Spells of Genesis First Milestone Reached, Following Successful Token Sale

The Spells of Genesis BitCrystals Token Sale ended on September 3rd, raising over US$200,000 in 30 days, a great result for swiss-based EverdreamSoft.

The Spells of Genesis BitCrystals Token Sale began on August 3rd, running for 30 days. After an outstanding start, with over 240 BTC raised within two hours, the sale reached it’s funding goal of US$200,000 in the first 4 days. EverdreamSoft was able to keep the funds rolling in by offering special deals and new blockchain-based cards, which are also playable in Moonga.

  • Bitcoin raised: 934
  • BitCrystals distributed: ~13,603,000
  • Genesis Cards distributed: 535
  • Satoshi Cards distributed: 137
  • Ripple Cards distributed: 23
  • Battle For The Blocksize Cards distributed: 23
  • Random Blockchain Cards distributed: 21
  • Partner Lifetime Memberships awarded: 39
  • Player Lifetime Memberships awarded: 181

The token sale was hosted in partnership with, who provided the backend for contributors to pay with bitcoin and any of the platform’s supported altcoins. “We were fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Spells of Genesis for their BitCrystals crowdsale,” stated the team. “As an instant exchange for digital assets, we want to see a universe of such assets flourish – currencies, commodities, tokens, and much that hasn’t yet been dreamed. Spells of Genesis is pushing this narrative forward, revealing but the tip of the digital asset iceberg.”

“As our first crowdsale, Spells of Genesis helped open a new product channel for ShapeShift. Our exchange technology was a useful building block for the dissemination of digital assets to users around the world. We now have a good understanding of how to improve and build this technology further – for the genesis age of digital assets will see many such sales.”
— – Erik Voorhees, CEO

The milestones associated with the token sale are being overseen by key officers Erik Voorhees, of, and Jeremy Johnson, of, who hold two of the signing keys for the multisig wallet offered by Coinkite. Coinkite offers their multisig wallet service with up to 15 signatories for free.

"It’s amazing what you can do with Bitcoin and Coinkite Multisig. We’re the only large wallet that supports up to 15 keys; any of which may be held on Coinkite or offline or any combination. Spells of Genesis was able to escrow the funds without requiring any trust from Coinkite and yet leverage all of our Bitcoin Infrastructure. We love pushing the boundaries of whats possible with the blockchain and look forward to their next stages."
— – Rodolfo Novak, Coinkite Founder and CEO

According to EverdreamSoft, Milestone #1 has now been completed. This will release 25% of the funds raised during the token sale. EverdreamSoft released Spells of Genesis Alpha 0.1 last Friday which is available to test.

“I am having a great time testing the alpha version of the game, and I am really impressed with the SoG delivering milestone #1 so quickly after the crowdsale. This game is sure to be a homerun with gamers.”
— – Jeremy Johnson, Founder and Lead Developer

The team is humbled by the support received by the community for their first ever crowdsale. Shaban Shaame, EverdreamSoft CEO and Founder, stated “We have learned a lot from the BitCrystals Token Sale, it’s been an emotional, challenging and hectic 30 days since its start. There is a huge amount of work ahead of us, we want to deliver on our promise and looking forward to complete our next milestones in a timely manner. We pay close attention to our supporters’ feedback and look forward to hear their opinions and suggestions as we proceed with development. Spells of Genesis is a game for the community and we want to live up to expectations.”

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