Progress continues on anonymous Bitcoin transactions
For a long time, bitcoin has been perceived by many as an anonymous payment system for online purchases. This myth has been propagated by mass media when bitcoin emerged as a popular payment method on the dark web. However, this is far from the truth. Due to its publicly viewable blockchain, every bitcoin wallet and every bitcoin transaction ever processed can be viewed online by anyone. For that reason, several efforts are underway to increase bitcoin’s privacy. The most prominent of these is Confidential Transactions.
Tribler Makes Bittorrent Anonymous, Private, And Decentralized
[Tribler]( is P2P a file sharing software that has been improving the Bittorrent protocol since 2001. Featuring a Tor-like anonymity network and a decentralized search engine, it may be the most private and decentralized torrenting software in existence.
ZeroNet Expands Key Distributed And Anonymous Features
ZeroNet is a protocol combining BitTorrents peer to peer file sharing network with the cryptography found in Bitcoin. The resulting framework is used for publishing and editing websites, in an entirely decentralized manner.
Monero is Not That Mysterious
Recently,there have been some vague fears about the CryptoNote source code and protocol floating around the internet based on the fact that it is a more complicated protocol than,for instance,Bitcoin. The purpose of this note is to try and clear up some misconceptions,and hopefully remove some of the mystery surrounding Monero Ring Signatures. I will start by comparing the mathematics involved in CryptoNote ring signatures (as described in [CN]) to the mathematics in [FS],on which CryptoNote is based. After this,I will compare the mathematics of the ring signature to what is actually in the CryptoNote codebase.
Stealthsend Whitepaper Brief
The author of this paper describes the essential theory and properties of stealthsend.
Review Of CryptoNote White Paper
A review Of CryptoNote White Paper
Decentralized P2P Crypto Currency Transaction Anonymity via Proof of Stake Protocol Extensions
Block chain based crypto currencies of the bitcoin 1.0 generation are by their nature pseudonymous. The Block chain consists of transaction inputs and outputs and the flow of transactions can be correlated to Identify the spender and recipient of coins. In this paper,a system is proposed to provide anonymity of Transactions by extending the existing protocol to broadcast,redeem-on-behalf-of,and forward inputs to Outputs in such a fashion that the origination and recipient cannot be directly linked through block chain Analysis. The proposed solution will be implemented in the cloakcoin alternative crypto currency.