Consensus-as-a-service: a brief report on the emergence of permissioned,distributed ledger systems
The purpose of this short report is to describe the divergence between âpermissionlessâ cryptocurrency systems (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Peercoin) and âpermissionedâ distributed ledger systems (such as Ripple, Hyperledger). Consequently, we will briefly explore some of the use-cases that distributed ledger systems could play, specifically in the financial services industry. This document assumes that the reader is already familiar with Bitcoin (the blockchain) and bitcoin (the commodity, currency or asset). If you are unfamiliar with these concepts, then some of the vocabulary, concepts and analogies may not make sense.
Blockchain companies tackling the gold market
Perhaps no other commodity in the world has the universal appeal of gold. For centuries, the precious metal has has been coveted for its unique blend of rarity, beauty, and near indestructibility.
Bitcoin as an asset could help balance portfolios
Marc Faber, also known as “Dr. Doom” in the investment world, has long made a name for himself with his perpetually bearish outlook and his “Gloom Boom & Doom Report” [newsletter](
Blythe Masters And Digital Asset Facilitates Capital Investment On Blockchain
Pivit’s latest funding round has been issued utilizing distributed ledger technology, marking the first successful securities issuance facilitated by Digital Asset.
Midas Rezerv, issues ‘gold-backed token’
Midas Rezerv is a platform in which the token MRCoin will be 100% physical gold-backed. The aim of Midas Rezerv is to enhance trade, investment, capital preservation and payment in physical gold.
A Final Look Back: The State Of Bitcoin Heading Into 2015
Coinsetter CEO, Jaron Lukasiewicz, describes 2014 as bitcoin's year of Maturity & Growth and outlines how 2015 is geared up to be a year of Strength. Lukasiewicz shares his insights and outlines which 'Low-Hanging Fruit' market opportunities await for bitcoin for the future.
Multisignature Wallets – Are we there yet?
2014 has long been touted as the year of the multisignature wallet. The rise of multisig has been substantial, but the most popular implementation is quite surprising.
Frontiers In Finance: Winter 2014
The focus of the newest issue of Frontiers in Finance is on navigating change and transformation.