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504, 2018

Is Monero forking? It depends who you ask…

|5 Apr 2018|News|

The Monero network is about to upgrade at a time when the threat of a hostile takeover for any cryptocurrency is very real — but seldom discussed to the extent that it warrants. Coins with multi-billion dollar market caps are curiously unprotected from hijack. Sure, a crypto blockchain can't be hacked — but a crypto brand? Now that's a different story

1309, 2017

Bitcoin attack, ‘Corebleed,’ demonstrates the need for node decentralisation

|13 Sep 2017|News|

At the Breaking Bitcoin Conference in Paris last weekend, speakers from around the world gave talks about breaking down the technicals of different implementations such as Segwit2x, Bitcoin Unlimited, and IOTA. The most controversial talk was given by alternative Bitcoin implementation developer, Christopher Jeffrey, who revealed to a live audience of about 200 developers, academics, and professionals in the Bitcoin space how he broke the default Bitcoin implementation, bitcoind, better known as Bitcoin Core.

1707, 2017

Bitcoin ‘spam attack’ stressed network for at least 18 months, claims software developer

|17 Jul 2017|News|

There is evidence to indicate that Bitcoin’s network has been suffering a far greater workload than needed recently, according to the developer behind the bitcoin analytics platform OXT. The French developer, Laurent, told BraveNewCoin that he is “95% confident” that the 2015 “Stress Test” and “Flood Attack” events affected the number of bitcoin transactions as recently as January 2017.

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