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Latest articles tagged:

Bank of England

2910, 2018

Cryptoassets Taskforce: final report

|29 Oct 2018|Resources|

This report provides an overview of cryptoassets and the underlying technology, assesses the associated risks and potential benefits, and sets out the path forward with respect to regulation in the UK.

1706, 2016

Bank of England and PricewaterhouseCoopers partner to explore putting fiat currency on a blockchain

|17 Jun 2016|News|

PriceWaterhouseCooper’s (PwC) Digital Technologies team [announced]( a major project with the Bank of England on Friday. The partners described a concerned effort to see if they can make fiat currencies like the British Pound Sterling work over a blockchain.

2502, 2015

One Bank Research Agenda – Discussion Paper

|25 Feb 2015|Resources|

The Agenda aims to improve the coordination and openness of our research across all policy areas, to ensure the Bank makes the best use of our data, and to cultivate an extensive research community that spans the Bank and beyond.

1509, 2014

The economics of digital currencies

|15 Sep 2014|Resources|

This article explores the economics of digital currencies — schemes that combine new payment systems with new currencies — and provides an initial view on the consequent implications for the Bank of England’s objectives to maintain monetary and financial stability in the United Kingdom. Any potential risks to monetary or financial stability posed by digital currencies will depend on how widely they are used, both today and in the future. The article therefore begins by examining the extent to which digital currencies are currently used as a form of money. As part of evaluating the likely growth in digital currencies’ usage over time, it next examines the sustainability of the low transaction fees offered by digital currencies at present.

1203, 2014

Money in the modern economy

|12 Mar 2014|Resources|

‘Money in the modern economy: an introduction’, a companion piece to this article, provides an overview of what is meant by money and the different types of money that exist in a modern economy, briefly touching upon how each type of money is created. This article explores money creation in the modern economy in more detail.

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