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1308, 2015

California Bitcoin Bill Sponsor Responds to EFF Concerns

|13 Aug 2015|News|

California assemblymember of the 45th Assembly District, Matt Dababneh, responded to criticisms from the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) on AB 1326, a bill he sponsored that would propose new regulations for the emerging digital currency industry in California.

1008, 2015

California’s BitLicence

|10 Aug 2015|News|

The BitLicense sparked outrage and controversy in the state of New York. California is also dabbling in the regulation pool, but outspoken entities have conflicting interpretations regarding the upcoming bill.

2603, 2015

Bitcoin Job Fair Goes to Sunnyvale

|26 Mar 2015|News|

The event, which was last held in Los Angeles and New York before that, has attracted a big number of companies and candidates working in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency space.

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