Uniform Law Commission Seeks Unified Regulation For Virtual Currencies In America
The Uniform Law Commission (ULC) is a nonprofit was established in 1892 in order to drive consistency among US state laws. On the 9th October the commission will host the first meeting on the draft version of a Digital Currency License Act.
Senator Holly J. Mitchell Shelves California’s BitLicence, AB-1326
Until recently, California was following in the footsteps of New York. The New York Department of Financial Services implemented the original BitLicense in June 2015, which spurred a mass annexing from bitcoin related services.
California Bitcoin Bill Sponsor Responds to EFF Concerns
California assemblymember of the 45th Assembly District, Matt Dababneh, responded to criticisms from the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) on AB 1326, a bill he sponsored that would propose new regulations for the emerging digital currency industry in California.
California’s BitLicence
The BitLicense sparked outrage and controversy in the state of New York. California is also dabbling in the regulation pool, but outspoken entities have conflicting interpretations regarding the upcoming bill.
New Bill in North Carolina Favors Banks, Burdens Bitcoin Business
Proposed legislation is currently making rounds in the Senate and House of Representatives of North Carolina, a home of big banking in the US.
Bitcoin Job Fair Goes to Sunnyvale
The event, which was last held in Los Angeles and New York before that, has attracted a big number of companies and candidates working in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency space.