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805, 2020

Zoom acquires Keybase in attempt to address privacy issues

|8 May 2020|News|

Zoom is a video-communications platform that has seen exponential growth as a result of COVID-19 related lockdowns. The company recently acquired Keybase, a privacy and encryption focussed messaging application. The financial details and terms of the acquisition have not been made public.

809, 2016

The trend towards Blockchain privacy: zero knowledge proofs

|8 Sep 2016|News|

One of the bigger trends in the blockchain world, particularly when it comes to financial services and specifically capital markets operations, has been a need for privacy and confidentiality in the course of daily business. This has meant that blockchain solutions are being designed with this primary need in mind. This has led to all the private blockchain solutions being developed today.

710, 2014

Bitcoin: Technical Background and Data Analysis

|7 Oct 2014|Resources|

This paper presents the micro-structure of the Bitcoin transaction process and highlights the use of cryptography for the purposes of transaction security and distributed maintenance of a ledger. The empirical analysis is based on publicly available transaction-level data.

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