Ferreting Out Fakers: How Cryptocurrency Companies Can Protect Their Brands in Cyberspace
Brand imitation, hijack and infringement, are key concerns for many crypto brands - especially in an ecosystem where funds can be transferred effortlessly and anonymously. This article by IP attorneys Erin Hennessy and Annie Allison highlights the various vulnerabilities faced by cryptocurrency brands and shares tips for identifying and safeguarding against infringers
City of London Police to up-skill on cyber crime
As the economic center of Europe, the City of London is a high profile target for financial crimes of all stripes — testing the resources of England’s smallest police force
Mueller indictment details Russian spy’s preference for Bitcoin
The Special Counsel indictment related to Russian cyber-attacks during the 2016 U.S. election makes fascinating reading for a number of reasons — not least of which is its revealing insight into the widespread use of bitcoin by the perpetrators in an attempt conceal their identities.
Coinbase service launch marks new era in crypto custody solutions
The launch of “institutional grade” cryptocurrency custodian services by Coinbase and others is easing the path of major investors into cryptographic assets
Privacy 3.0: Encryption tools for the decentralized web
An explainer for the multitude of privacy approaches in blockchain.
HTC announce blockchain-powered smartphone – but why?
Speaking at Consensus 2018, HTC founder Phil Chen revealed the plan for ‘Exodus’, a smartphone that will support “underlying protocols such as Bitcoin, Lightning Networks, Ethereum, Dfinity, and more.”
We need to talk about autonomous vehicles and the blockchain
The momentum behind the autonomous vehicle movement has been growing rapidly as the major technology vendors, and new players, seek to define the future of road transport. Given the volume of potential data and the critical nature of automated transport it will be essential to get cybersecurity policies, tools and responses right. It should be no surprise that many in the automaker community believe the blockchain is the answer.
Stopping DDos attacks with blockchain
In a recent report released by multinational cybersecurity providers Kaspersky Lab, the duration and sophistication of DDoS attacks companies have faced so far in 2017 is increasing — with attacks on crypto infrastructure evolving in their sophistication. As the digital economy continues burgeoning, the need for increased cybersecurity is obvious.