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303, 2018

Is the term ‘Decentralized Exchange’ an oxymoron?

|3 Mar 2018|News|

There has been a lot of media coverage and chatter in the crypto community over the concept of ‘decentralized’ exchanges. Unfortunately, this type of coverage magnifies the confusion among crypto enthusiasts regarding market structure and price discovery. It is vital to separate discussions of price discovery from the settlement process. Otherwise, ‘decentralized exchanges’ that have limited (or no) price discovery mechanisms will continue to be promoted as panaceas.

1509, 2017

China’s exchange ban starts closing services

|15 Sep 2017|News|

September has been a wild ride for Bitcoin, echoing January 2017 as a month dominated by news driven by the Chinese government. The current round of announcements began on the Sept 4, when the government made the sale and trading of ICO tokens illegal across China. Many of these digital assets were traded on bitcoin exchanges.

1406, 2017

How stock exchanges are experimenting with blockchain technology

|14 Jun 2017|News|

Blockchain has been called the future of financial services infrastructure. While banks were among the first to hop aboard the blockchain bandwagon, stock exchanges have been quick to keep pace. Here’s how some of the most prominent stock exchanges in the world are working to leverage the distributed ledger technology in order to fundamentally overhaul traditional mechanisms.

3003, 2017 developing ‘Alternative Exchange’ for cryptocurrencies

|30 Mar 2017|News| is raising funds to develop a platform designed to take LocalBitcoins style trading to the next level. The UK registered company has already developed a platform called Ethbits Local, which facilitates peer to peer online trades as well as face to face trades for a range of Cryptocurrencies.

2001, 2017

Japanese internet giant, GMO, entering bitcoin exchange and wallet markets

|20 Jan 2017|News|

The largest internet conglomerate in Japan, the GMO Internet Group, recently announced that they will be diving into the cryptocurrency industry, adding another own wallet and exchange to the already-competitive Japanese Bitcoin landscape. A new company founded specifically for this venture, GMO Wallet Co., Ltd., was founded in October.

411, 2016

The oldest bitcoin exchange, BTCC, moves into the US market

|4 Nov 2016|News|

The longest-running bitcoin exchange still in service, Bitcoin China, recently opened a new US Dollar denominated platform for spot and margin trading. The new real-time exchange, currently in beta, offers Market, Limit, Stop, and One Cancels the Other (OCO) orders for spot trading. The Pro trading platform, also in beta, adds 25x margin trading.

3105, 2016

Bitstamp tackles the foreign exchange market, launches EUR/USD trading pair

|31 May 2016|News|

As of today, Bitstamp clients are now able to trade Euros for Dollars on the Luxembourg-based bitcoin exchange. “We are excited to announce that our clients can now use our new EUR/USD trading pair,” the company said in a statement on Monday. “The new trading pair allows for better mobility of funds and new arbitrage opportunities.”

1304, 2016

Kraken’s business booms, as Money Partners Group joins SBI Investment in ‘multi-million dollar’ investment

|13 Apr 2016|News|

Launched in September 2013, Kraken is the world's largest global bitcoin exchange in euro volume and liquidity. The San Francisco-based company has seen extraordinary growth lately, expanding its business in Europe, North America, and Asia. The company acquired prominent bitcoin exchanges Cavirtex and Coinsetter in January, enabling the expansion into Canada, 37 American states, and Washington DC.

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