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Latest articles tagged:

Financial Services

2704, 2019

London may overtake San Francisco as global FinTech hub

|27 Apr 2019|News|

A new report published by global recruitment firm Robert Walters has revealed that London is rivalling San Francisco in high-value FinTech startup activity. If current trends continue, the report suggests that London may soon be home to more FinTech unicorns than San Francisco.

1408, 2018

Blockchain in financial services: Where are we now?

|14 Aug 2018|News|

The examples of blockchain in financial services that we will explore illustrate a "work in progress" status for the industry, as one project was abandoned, a second has evolved, and a third is building slowly on the basis of early success.

1101, 2018

Blockchain 2.0: Cryptocurrencies are only the beginning

|11 Jan 2018|Resources|

Launching the Credit Suisse Blockchain Revolution Series: In this in-depth report, we analyse the market implications of blockchain technology in light of the bitcoin boom since our initial cross-sector and cross-border publication, Blockchain: The Trust Disrupter, roughly a year ago. While we make no comment on the valuation of particular cryptocurrencies, we believe the rise of bitcoin and Initial Coin Offerings highlights how transformative the underpinning blockchain technology will be across sectors, with financial services and capital markets at the front of the queue.

1906, 2017

Fintech and Financial Services: Initial Considerations

|19 Jun 2017|Resources|

A new wave of technological innovations, often called “fintech, ” is accelerating change in the financial sector. What impact might fintech have on financial services, and how should regulation respond? This paper sets out an economic framework for thinking through the channels by which fintech might provide solutions that respond to consumer needs for trust, security, privacy, and better services, change the competitive landscape, and affect regulation. It combines a broad discussion of trends across financial services with a focus on cross-border payments and especially the impact of distributed ledger technology. Overall, the paper finds that boundaries among different types of service providers are blurring; barriers to entry are changing; and improvements in cross-border payments are likely. It argues that regulatory authorities need to balance carefully efficiency and stability trade-offs in the face of rapid changes, and ensure that trust is maintained in an evolving financial system. It also highlights the importance of international cooperation.

2809, 2016

Blockchain rewires financial markets: Trailblazers take the lead

|28 Sep 2016|Resources|

The IBM Institute for Business Value with the support of the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 200 financial markets institutions in 16 countries on their experiences and expectations with blockchains. This executive report provides insights into the motivation and adoption patterns in financial markets, and most importantly, identifies that the industry is moving at a much faster rate than anticipated.

2009, 2016

Editing the uneditable Blockchain: Why distributed ledger technology must adapt to an imperfect world

|20 Sep 2016|Resources|

This paper looks at why distributed ledger technology—applied to enterprise and permissioned networks—will need to evolve to adapt to an imperfect world where human error, laws and mischief will require more flexibility. It looks at the mixed blessing of the indelible ledger in light of Europe’s “right to be forgotten” laws, recent high-profile cybercurrency thefts and the age-old “fat finger” errors that have brought exponential harm to financial services.

308, 2016

Credit Suisse analysis as to how blockchain can impact stocks

|3 Aug 2016|Resources|

In this report, we reassess our views on the extent to which bitcoin and its underlying technology, blockchain, present a disruptive threat and/or opportunity to global incumbents operating in the payments, capital markets, financial services and media ecosystems. We leverage Credit Suisse's global franchise to deliver the collective cross-sector and cross-border insights of 31 contributing analysts across 5 sectors and 5 key geographies, providing 14 key stock calls.

2006, 2016

Industrialisation of Distributed Ledger Technology in Banking and Financial Services

|20 Jun 2016|Resources|

This paper will provide an overview of the transformation potential of distributed ledger Technology and potential disruptive use cases in financial services. However it will primarily focus on the business considerations that must be addressed before industrialisation of distributed ledger technology can commence. This paper concludes by discussing the key factors financial organisations should consider to measure the success of the initial implementations.

1403, 2016

Blurred lines:How FinTech is shaping Financial Services

|14 Mar 2016|Resources|

This PwC report assesses the rise of new technologies in the financial services sector across the globe, the potential impact of FinTech on market players and their attitudes regarding the latest in technology developments. Additionally, it offers insight as to the responses of the sector to this ever-changing environment.

1901, 2016

Q & A – What’s next for blockchain in 2016?

|19 Jan 2016|Resources|

Blockchain technology is being adopted at unprecedented speed. Financial institutions are realizing the potential of this next-generation business process improvement software to alter shared practices between customers, competitors, and suppliers. Blockchain may result in a radically different future for financial services. The authors see three trends to focus on in 2016.

3006, 2015

The Future of Financial Services: How disruptive innovations are reshaping the way financial services are structured,provisioned and consumed

|30 Jun 2015|Resources|

The creation of this report involved extensive outreach and dialogue with the financial services community, innovation community, academia and a large number of financial technology startups. The dialogue included numerous interviews and interactive sessions to discuss the insights and opportunities for collaborative action.

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