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1905, 2016

Modern day Robin Hood bank robber donated 25 Bitcoins to help fight ISIS

|19 May 2016|News|

A self-described “ethical hacker,” who goes by the handle Phineas Phisher, is responsible for some of the highest-profile hacks on questionable organizations in internet history. Two of his previous targets were shady malware makers, assisting governments to spy on their own people. With the help of websites like Wikileaks, Phisher's hacks have illuminated dark corners of government around the world.

710, 2015

Samsung Attack Highlights Bitcoin’s Advantages

|7 Oct 2015|News|

[Samsung Pay]( was recently released to the general public. On Oct 6, its centralized server LoopPay was breached by a group of Chinese hackers known as Codoso, or the [Sunshock group](, before the technology was even applied to the mobile processor.

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