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Machine Learning

804, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 7th April

|8 Apr 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin's weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic provides at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

104, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 31st March

|1 Apr 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin's weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic provides at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

2503, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 24th March

|25 Mar 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin's weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic provides at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

1803, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 17th March

|18 Mar 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin's weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic provides at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

1103, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 10th March

|11 Mar 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin's weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic provides at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

303, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics: 3rd March

|3 Mar 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin's weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic provides at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

1902, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics 14th February

|19 Feb 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin has launched a weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic - providing at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

1202, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics 11th February

|12 Feb 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin has launched a weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic - providing at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

2801, 2020

BNC Weekly Bitcoin Twitter Statistics 27th January 2020

|28 Jan 2020|Resources|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin has launched a weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic - providing at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

2101, 2020

BNC launches Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ data

|21 Jan 2020|News|

With sentiment continuing to be a significant factor in the price and momentum of digital assets, Brave New Coin has launched a weekly Bitcoin ‘Twitter Sentiment’ infographic - providing at-a-glance insight into the dominant weekly narrative in Bitcoin’s Twitter-sphere.

609, 2017

InsurTech’s big ticket items: machine learning on the blockchain

|6 Sep 2017|News|

I don’t usually tell people that I’m a qualified expert in insurance as it’s not relevant, but I’m mentioning it today as I just presented at a private insurance event. There are lots of interesting nuances in insurance. You and I probably think it’s just that once a year renewal of our auto policy, or maybe the regular premiums we pay for life and pensions. That’s an important part of it and is a challenge as people don’t buy insurance, it has to be sold. Think about it. You don’t wake up and think “oh, I might die today! Better get some life insurance”, but you learn through advisory sales that this is what you need to do. Then there’s a whole other raft of insurance where the real money is made: commercial insurance. Insuring ships, aircraft, offices and employees is where the big-ticket policies arrive. These are more complicated, as the risks have to be calculated in more depth. Under assess the risk and the insurance company loses; over assess and a competitor might steal the business. Equally, the corporate relationship becomes important in this space, as that’s where the strength of understanding the client comes from.

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