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404, 2016

‘Banking industry is ripe for disruption,’ states Edgar, Dunn & Company

|4 Apr 2016|News|

Edgar, Dunn & Company recently released the Advanced Payments Report for 2016, sponsored by Wirecard, a global financial services and technology company. Wirecard is considered to be a key player and innovator within the digital payments world. It assists companies such as FinTech startups, retailers and airlines to meet their digital payments requirements.

902, 2016

Banking Bitcoin-Related Businesses: A Primer for Managing BSA/AML Risks

|9 Feb 2016|Resources|

This paper examines the current regulatory environment for Bitcoin-related businesses as well as measures these businesses can adopt to mitigate the BSA/AML risks inherent in the Bitcoin protocol. It also presents a framework for financial institutions (FIs) to consider for managing the risks associated with banking these companies. This paper is not a replacement, update, or supplement to BSA/AML guidance requirements provided in November 2014 by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). By making a commitment to BSA/AML compliance, Bitcoin-related businesses can both better position Bitcoin as a mainstream payment system and enhance the ability of FIs to successfully bank them.

2001, 2016

Opportunities and risks associated with the advent of digital currency in the Caribbean

|20 Jan 2016|Resources|

This report examines the usage of digital currency technology in the Caribbean subregion with a view to drawing attention to the opportunities and risks associated with this new phenomenon. It discusses the broader context of an emerging activity at the global level and considers how this technology could address subregional deficiencies in the electronic payment infrastructure.

912, 2015

Instant revolution of payments – The quest for real-time payments

|9 Dec 2015|Resources|

Traditional retail payment systems do not match the immediacy and ubiquity of digital processes in commerce and social life. In several countries, instant payment systems have been introduced to bring payments up to the speed of digital processes, but also for more general economic reasons like infrastructure modernisation or financial inclusion.

2311, 2015

Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures: Digital Currencies

|23 Nov 2015|Resources|

This report considers the possible implications of interest to central banks arising from these innovations. First, many of the risks that are relevant for e-money and other electronic payment instruments are also relevant for digital currencies as assets being used as a means of payment. Second, the development of distributed ledger technology is an innovation with potentially broad applications. Wider use of distributed ledgers by new entrants or incumbents could have implications extending beyond payments, including their possible adoption by some financial market infrastructures (FMIs), and more broadly by other networks in the financial system and the economy as a whole. Because of these considerations, it is recommended that central banks continue monitoring and analysing the implications of these developments, both in digital currencies and distributed ledger technology.

2810, 2015

The Future Way to Pay

|28 Oct 2015|News|

The mode of payment for goods and services has been evolving since human beings started trading with each other during the early millennia. Over the last few years and looking ahead into the future, the way in which we exchange money for goods and services has and will see unprecedented growth and innovation due to advances in technology that is now part of our daily lives.

210, 2015

Distributed consensus ledgers for payments

|2 Oct 2015|Resources|

The goal of this paper is to guide banks seeking to realize the opportunities presented by DCL, help them see through and beyond the hype and disillusionment and position themselves appropriately, starting now (and avoid becoming part of the hype themselves).

110, 2015

Innovation in Payments: The Future is Fintech

|1 Oct 2015|Resources|

This paper examines the growing capabilities of fintech in both the consumer/retail and wholesale/corporate payments arenas, and discusses the monumental role fintech – and the array of solutions it presents – will play in shaping the course of the payments industry as a whole.

1208, 2015

Comedian Louis CK Accepts Bitcoin, Shuns DRM

|12 Aug 2015|News|

Louis CK has set precedents in the past, selling content directly to consumers with no digital rights restrictions. Now he is accepting Bitcoin payments for his online shows, and introducing a new group to digital currencies.

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