Regulators wary of Facebook’s Libra
Facebook's Project Libra has put the world on notice. The cryptocurrency genie is out of the bottle and regulators are nervous. From Japan to the US, authorities around the world are pushing back against the proposed digital currency.
Emerging Markets Driving the payments transformation
In this paper, we examine the current state of the payments industry across the emerging markets, identify key drivers and developments already underway and determine what is required to realise the market potential between now and 2030. A key focus of the paper is the steps being taken by merchants, customers, payment companies, regulators and PSPs towards creating a successful electronic payments infrastructure.
FinTech Futures – The UK as a World Leader in Financial Technologies – A report by the UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser
This report builds on the current work of HM Treasury and other parts of the Government to provide a longer-term vision for the UK FinTech sector. Its recommendations are intended to provide a firm foundation to support and catalyse the growth of the sector out to 2025. In particular, it makes the case that the Government, regulators, business and academia must work together closely and in innovative ways.