Central bank cryptocurrencies
New cryptocurrencies are emerging almost daily, and many interested parties are wondering whether central banks should issue their own versions. But what might central bank cryptocurrencies (CBCCs) look like and would they be useful? This feature provides a taxonomy of money that identifies two types of CBCC a retail and wholesale a and differentiates them from other forms of central bank money such as cash and reserves. It discusses the different characteristics of CBCCs and compares them with existing payment options.
Buy bitcoin with cash at up to 633,000 outlets in over 40 countries
The places and methods we have for purchasing bitcoins are rapidly expanding. Companies like Bitit and Bitboat are adding to the options, making it easier to walk into a physical store and purchase bitcoin in person. Services like these generally offer a card or voucher that can be redeemed for bitcoins, or traded for bitcoins on an online exchange.
BitAccess launches bitcoin purchases at 6,000 Canadian retail locations
Bitcoin ATM manufacturer, BitAccess, announced today that their customers can buy bitcoins at 6,000 stores across Canada, using [Flexepin](https://www.bitaccess.co/flexepin/) paper vouchers.
Instant revolution of payments – The quest for real-time payments
Traditional retail payment systems do not match the immediacy and ubiquity of digital processes in commerce and social life. In several countries, instant payment systems have been introduced to bring payments up to the speed of digital processes, but also for more general economic reasons like infrastructure modernisation or financial inclusion.
Innovation in Payments: The Future is Fintech
This paper examines the growing capabilities of fintech in both the consumer/retail and wholesale/corporate payments arenas, and discusses the monumental role fintech â and the array of solutions it presents â will play in shaping the course of the payments industry as a whole.
Bitcoin Black Friday Results Disappoint
Amid news of a new partnership with Microsoft; Leading payment processor, BitPay, has released this year’s Bitcoin Black Friday results, figures reveal shrunken sales compared to last year, despite a year of growing merchant adoption.
Black Friday: Holiday Spirit, Cheap Deals, Injuries And Bitcoin
Thanksgiving weekend 2014 provided the biggest day for Bitcoin sales in history. Those in the Bitcoin industry will be watching the frenzy with a keen eye, from the safety of their couches, buying things cheap - with Bitcoin.