Commission presents Action Plan to strengthen the fight against terrorist financing
The European Commission presents an Action Plan to strengthen the fight against the financing of terrorism. The recent terrorist attacks in the European Union and beyond demonstrate the need for a strong coordinated European response to combatting terrorism. The European Agenda for Security had identified a number of areas to improve the fight against terrorist financing. Today's comprehensive Action Plan will deliver a strong and swift response to the current challenges, building on existing EU rules and complementing them where necessary. Through concrete measures, it will adapt or propose additional rules to deal with new threats.
Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament And The Council On An Action Plan For Strengthening The Fight Against Terrorist Financing
This Communication presents an action plan to further step up the fight against the financing of terrorism, building on existing EU rules to adapt to new threats and updating our policy and practices in line with international standards. There are also many ways in which Member States can act already to use the existing framework better.
Action Plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
An action plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing, preventing the movement of funds and identifying terrorist funding, and tackling the abuse of the financial system for terrorist financing purposes.
UK national risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing
This is the UK's first money laundering and terrorist financing national risk assessment (NRA). In conducting this assessment the aim is to identify, understand and assess the money laundering and terrorist financing risks faced by the UK.
The Evolution Of Third Party Payment Providers And Cryptocurrencies Under The Eu’s Upcoming Psd2 And Amld4
This paper critically assesses current legislation and ongoing legislative initiatives for their inclusion of TPP's. It also sets out the potential for the regulation of cryptocurrency in terms of combatting money laundering and terrorist financing.