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104, 2017

US States working on blockchain legislation in 2017

|1 Apr 2017|News|

At least eight US States have worked on bills accepting or promoting the use of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology this year, and a couple of them have already passed them into law. The bills cover a wide range of purposes, from increasing transparency in State operations to protecting consumers from added taxation. Some have been very specific, defining blockchains and smart contracts, while describing the tecnology as “immutable” and providing “uncensored truth.”

712, 2016

A Securities Law Framework for Blockchain Tokens

|7 Dec 2016|Resources|

This document is a general guide for developers and users of tokens. Part 1 ​is designed to estimate how likely a particular token is to be a security under US federal securities law. Part 2​ sets out some best practices for crowdsales. Part 3​ is a detailed securities law analysis by Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.

1608, 2016

U.S. Department of Homeland Security funds four blockchain companies developing new cyber security technology

|16 Aug 2016|News|

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, recently unveiled a list of 13 small businesses working towards “the development of new cyber security technology.” The companies are part of the 2016 Small Business Innovation Research program.  Each was awarded approximately $100,000 in funding, for a total of $1.3 million, and four are using blockchains in their product.

1312, 2015

North Carolina ripe for Bitcoin startups

|13 Dec 2015|News|

Not only has North Carolina recently led all other states at economic development targeting startups, even their new money transmitter rules have been overhauled to attract bitcoin business, exempting certain bitcoin exchanges and administrators.

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