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Thomson Reuters adds Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) to Eikon

Thomson Reuters adds Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) to Eikon

We are excited to announce that Thomson Reuters has added the Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) to its award-winning Eikon terminal. By adding a single, reliable USD price discovery tool and reference rate for Bitcoin, the Eikon terminal now extends its market data offerings beyond its traditional financial coverage and firmly enters the cryptocurrency space. The BLX gives Eikon’s growing network of professional and business subscribers a trusted live feed for gaining a competitive advantage.

Thomson Reuters has led the way as one of the most relied upon sources for financial and business intelligence. Its award-winning Eikon software package connects its users with critical timely feeds from over 400 exchanges and OTC-traded markets. Over 210,000 Eikon Messenger users have access to trusted news content, data, analytics and insights, filtered to their exact needs. Available on both desktop and mobile devices, the Eikon trading software provides access to deep pools of liquidity, professional networks, expert analysis and insights on emerging and complex markets.

We are excited to announce that Thomson Reuters has added the Bitcoin Liquid Index to its award-winning Eikon terminal. By adding a single, reliable USD price discovery tool and reference rate for Bitcoin, the Eikon terminal now extends its market data offerings beyond its traditional financial coverage and firmly enters the cryptocurrency space. The BLX gives Eikon’s growing network of professional and business subscribers a trusted live feed for gaining a competitive advantage.

Thomson Reuters has led the way as one of the most relied upon sources for financial and business intelligence. Its Eikon software package connects its users with critical and timely feeds from over 400 exchanges and OTC-traded markets. Over 210,000 Eikon Messenger users have access to trusted news content, data, analytics and insights, filtered to their exact needs. Available on both desktop and mobile devices, the Eikon trading software provides access to deep pools of liquidity, professional networks, expert analysis and insights on emerging and complex markets.

Thomson Reuters is one of a growing number of vendors and distributors that carry BNC data, which includes financial industry stalwarts like Tullett Prebon, buy-side specialists like RIMES and connectivity provider Colt.

Thomson Reuters’ decision to incorporate the BLX as a trusted source of digital currency data builds on BNC’s relationship with Tullett Prebon (TPICAP), an Interdealer Broker (IDB) and specialist financial intermediary headquartered in London. With offices in 24 countries and over 2,600 brokers and staff providing brokerage services to clients (including commercial and investment banks), Tullett Prebon selected BNC to provide much-needed transparency and data coherence for this fast-emerging asset class.

Quick also recently started displaying the BLX on its Active Manager desktop service, on 5-minute delay, through its connection with TPICAP. Quick is owned by a consortium of banks, financial Institutions, asset managers, the Japan Exchange Group, and Nikkei. Active Terminal is Quick’s main data and analytics platform for professional and institutional clients. Given the significant cryptocurrency market and regulatory activity in Japan, there is an increasing need for market and reference services such as the BLX.

The Brave New Coin (BNC) Bitcoin Liquid Index (BLX) provides a USD denominated Bitcoin price point at 30-second intervals. The BLX was designed by mirroring data dimensions that are paramount to traditional financial indexes, such as the liquidity and the quality of the constituent exchanges. BNC periodically reviews the mix of exchanges it uses for the index calculation, taking into consideration shifts in market preferences and allowing for new participants that provide sufficient liquidity and trade signals.

Taking the volume weighted average from each of the exchanges’ transactions, the BLX uses a proprietary algorithm to aggregate the base exchange prices, taking into account metrics such as order book depth and trading history. The BLX API delivers a live feed, and supports fine granularity, via historical tick data for bitcoin market trading, dating back to the beginning of trading on MT Gox in early 2010. End-of-Day (EOD), Open High Low Close & Volume (OHLCV), Time & Volume-Weighted-Averages (T-WAP & V-WAP) are also included.


The Reuters Instrument Code (RIC) assigned for the Bitcoin Liquid Index is <BTCINX=BNC>, and the BNC company page is referenced as TR: BLXINDEX.

The BNC BLX API is also available through the following partners:

  • RapidAPI/Mashape – open source software developers that house and support a growing list of API’s for DevOps and IT Teams
  • Quandl – a data provider with a platform used by over 200,000 people including analysts from the world’s top hedge funds, asset managers, and investment banks
  • DatastreamX – a marketplace for buyers and sellers of financial data including historical data along with real live streams and event-based data
  • Cloudquote – an API data warehouse that connects top-tier financial data providers with vendors
  • RIMES – who deliver cloud-based specialist managed data services and regtech solutions to asset managers, owners and servicers worldwide
  • Benzinga – a financial media outlet that serves dynamic, actionable and innovative content used for analysing and picking trades. In addition, BNC’s market data is used by a growing number of trading and portfolio tools, including investFeed and TradeStops.

The BNC BLX is the latest offering in its API data emporium which also includes:

  • Digital Currency Exchange Rates API – accurate exchange rates for over 280 cryptocurrencies across more than 1000 markets, dynamically generated every 5 minutes, including historical price and volume data.
  • Digital Currency Daily Index API – historical daily index prices with open-low-high-close & volume, supporting over 1000 trading pairs.
  • Digital Currency Tickers API – a free digital currency spot price index API updated every 5 minutes to provide price-discovery & support for more than 200 digital currencies, and a converter utility for conversion between Digital & Fiat rates.
  • Bitcoin B-WAP API – a unique block weighting algorithm that delivers the USD value for any historic transaction based on its block inclusion.

BNC is also preparing to release APIs for its Ethereum Liquid Index (ELX). A direct companion to the BLX, the ELX applies the same rigorous methodology to the Ethereum marketplace. Further details will be provided on availability in coming days. If you need Crypto Assets market data for your business and are not sure which connectivity provider is best suited for you, feel free to contact us anytime.

Fran Strajnar is Co-Founder & CEO of Brave New Coin – A digital currency and blockchain data company.

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