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Tip Your Favorite Artists on SoundCloud

Tip Your Favorite Artists on SoundCloud

Changetip has added support for the popular music streaming website, allowing artists and fans alike to easily send each other bitcoin.

Tipping cryptocurrency has been a growing phenomenon for some time now. There’s something about sending tips across the internet that is inherently magical and gratifying. ChangeTip makes showing your appreciation seamless with their tipping platform, whether it be to an awesome comment on reddit, great video on youtube, or particularly enjoyable tweet. Making use of a public API they have now added support for SoundCloud, bringing the total number of supported sites to twelve.

SoundCloud is one of the most popular ways to share music on the internet. It has been the top requested service for ChangeTip implementation for quite some time, and supporting artists on the site is now easier than ever. All it takes is a comment that includes @ChangeTip followed by an amount to complete the process.

“Now people can actually reward content that they really appreciate, and it will go directly to the individual, rather than to the label or to an intermediary.”
— – Kyle Kemper, Head of Tipping at ChangeTip

More money in the hands of content creators is a good thing, but the addition of tipping to SoundCloud allows a more personal experience between the artist and fan. It provides a way for the fan to show their love to an artist, who will be able to see the level of support for their music. “We are creating a new channel for fans to engage with artists, and for artists to engage with fans,” Kemper explains.

“And beyond SoundCloud, with the ChangeTip platform any musicians can accept donations over Twitter and on their own web sites.”
— – Kemper

The growing support for bitcoin tipping is exciting to see, for tips made in the eyes of the public could help spark new interest in cryptocurrency. Sending micropayments across the internet is just one of the many things bitcoin is good at doing.

The Palo Alto based bitcoin wallet company Xapo recently announced its partnership with the largest Latin American social network, Taringa!. The partnership produced an innovative platform called Taringa! Creators, which not only allows Taringa! users to earn bitcoins for posting content on the social media site, but also provides them with alternative banking solutions. Another music sharing service,, added bitcoin tipping to their website at the end of last year. Traditional financial systems would probably scoff at the idea of sending small payments around with insignificant fees.

“The social media phenomenon of ‘tipping’, or expressing one’s appreciation over the Internet with small monetary or other digital gifts, is building momentum.”
— – Nick Sullivan, CEO of ChangeTip

Signing up for ChangeTip is so simple that it’s hard to find a reason not to do it. All it takes is a swift click on their website and you can login with any supported service directly. Your account will be created, and receiving tips is immediately possible. Though the service is centralized, it does offer a convenient way to send cryptocurrency around the net. They are also spreading rather quickly, having recently added support for

ChangeTip Offers Simplicity With Addresses

Bitcoin addresses are probably more than a bit intimidating for new users. Upon first glance it’s just a random sequence of letters and numbers, and it can all be a bit overwhelming. ChangeTip has decided to tackle this with custom addresses, which serve as a portal for sending and receiving tips. “When you create a ChangeTip account (or if you already have one), you also receive a unique url,” ChangeTip support describes. This URL is customizable, so in the end it reads [name choice] if your chosen name is available.

“The url allows individuals, businesses, and organizations to receive tips, gifts, and donations. Additionally, your url is now the same as your bitcoin wallet address.”
— – ChangeTip

In addition to this custom moniker, users can embed a tipping button into the site of their choice. This tipping button brings even more ease to the process, for when it is clicked the tip is sent. Users can then choose to share the cause for action on Facebook or Twitter if desired.

Overall, ChangeTip is doing great things in terms of making bitcoin more accessible to the public. Anyone new to cryptocurrency can see these tips happening, then within minutes can join in on the fun.

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