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Bitcoin Adoption; ziftrCOIN Targets New Users

Bitcoin Adoption; ziftrCOIN Targets New Users

The New Hampshire-based company aims to onboard the next 10 million cryptocurrency users, and recently completed a presale of 4,141,444 ziftrCOINs for a total of $878,695. Bob Wilkins, CEO and co-founder of Ziftr, explains the concepts behind the new cryptocurrency.

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“In late 2015, Ziftr will give away 300 million ziftrCOINs so that everyday consumers can begin familiarizing themselves with cryptocurrency. When spent in Ziftr’s merchant network, each ziftrCOIN will have a minimum redemption value of $1, functioning similarly to a coupon.”
— – Ziftr

Companies in the Bitcoin Industry constantly focus on adoption. Approaching the masses with the likes of multi-media marketing, tipping services and education portals. Ziftr is a personalised e-commerce solution that aids consumers in finding the best fiat price for items online. Active since 2008, Ziftr includes over 10,000 merchants, and over two million consumers. The company has expanded into cryptocurrency in order to achieve growth and adoption.

“We are not trying to compete with the other coins, our job, if we do it right is to get eight to ten million users into the marketplace that are consumers. If we do that, all coin usage and values will lift.”
— – Bob Wilkins CEO and co-founder of Ziftr

In addition to creating a user friendly environment for cryptocurrency Ziftr has partnered with Worldpay, the third largest payment processor globally. “That’s a pretty big win,” says Wilkins.

“If the merchant adopts our Ziftr credit card processing, the user credit card information never goes to the merchant. It is encrypted and tokenized then goes directly to the credit card processor. From a credit card point of view it is the most secure way for a merchant to accept credit cards and for the consumer to deal with merchants is through our ZiftrPay system.”
— – Wilkins

ZiftrPay is the companies API for merchants. To promote the company’s other tools, and to help consumers become familiar with cryptocurrency, Wilkins orchestrated the ziftrCOIN give away. ziftrCOINs will have a minimum redemption when spent within the ziftrSHOP online marketplace, which uses the companies shopping cart technology ziftrCART.

“ZiftrCOIN’s design is what we call a ‘gateway’ coin. ZiftrCOIN is a fork of Bitcoin’s blockchain. There is a full whitepaper out on it. One of the main differences is faster blockchain transactions per minute. We have an algorythm sign to mine.”
— – Wilkins

While developing ziftrCOIN Wilkins applied his experience with cryptocurrencies, “I got into the mining of coins, such as dogecoin and litecoin about a year ago and saw the value of the technology and started to understand the blockchain and what it could do in the long term.”

With ASICs and other hardware required to mine, the old days of switching on a GPU to mine are over. Wilkins began as a GPU miner and he hopes to revive the pre-ASIC days, making mining a learning opportunity. “Anyone who wants to mine [ziftrCOIN] with GPUs will be able to do so,” Wilkins states, “It will be years, if it even happens, that ASIC will be out for our coin. This is getting it back to the community that can mine with GPUs”

Wilkins has a keen interest in making crypto currencies accessible on every level, “When I first got into mining I scoured everything on the internet trying to find the protocols, what was the right flash stack to go after. Was I getting a Linux or was I getting a Windows? Putting all that together, we are going to try and help simplify some of that.”

The mining software in development also has a communal aspect to it, Wilkins refers to it as social pooling. Miners will be able to choose how private or public they want their pool to be, “Part of the goal is to share more information about mining in general and some of the other coins.” he explains.

The official title for the algorithm running the software is Sign to Mine designed to avoid large mining pools, “you have to put your private key out to grab the coins which means anybody who is in your pool could technically collect your coins when you mine them. So you only mine with friends or people you trust. This is something that will be a really interesting social experiment to see how that works. Our gut is that it will be groups of five, ten or twenty that all know each other that will mine together,” says Wilkins.

In a recent press release Wilkins extended his gratitude for the support ziftrCOIN received in the presale. “Thanks to all of you, my team and I can spend the coming months moving forward with our mission of bringing cryptocurrency to the masses. We have many exciting announcements on the horizon, so be sure to stay tuned.”

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