Admir Tulic

Admir Tulic is a blogger at In the online world, you’ll mostly find him nerd-discussing cryptocurrencies and bitcoin scaling solutions. In the offline world, he spends most of his time telling his friends he is starting going to the gym next week.


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2502, 2018

Blockchain’s real estate disruption off to a slow start

|25 Feb 2018|News|

There is undeniable potential for immense changes in the real estate sector, as a study published by Deloitte suggests. At the moment, however, there are few actual projects or applications of blockchain technology in the real estate industry. However, a serious approach can be seen in the area of evidence of ownership of land (the land register). In addition, there are also areas of application in the letting processes and other property management as well as real estate financing. The decisive driver for these innovations is above all the possible simplification and acceleration of management processes.

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