Joseph Young

Joseph Young is a journalist and entrepreneur based in Hong Kong. He has worked for reputable venture capital firms, media companies, consulting firms and various research groups in the technology and cryptocurrency industries. Currently, he contributes to cryptocurrency, fintech, and technology media companies.


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2511, 2015

Spells of Genesis joins black Friday madness

|25 Nov 2015|News|

[Bitcoin Black Friday]( is a one day event where over 2,000 bitcoin merchants, businesses and e-commerce platforms come together to offer various promotional offers, discounts and limited products and deals to bitcoin users.

611, 2015

Bitcoin becomes 2015’s best performing currency

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Bitcoin has had one of its best weeks since August 2014, recording a staggering 28.5% increase in market cap as the price of bitcoin reached US$500, at its peak on November 5. However, the price of bitcoin has since dropped by nearly 20%, consolidating around US$400.

2410, 2015

Send text messages trustlessly using bitcoin

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In today's world, most tech and financial applications require personal and financial information to process the simplest tasks. Platforms like gmail and dropbox are obsessed with storing personal data in their private servers, which can be compromised.

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