Kieran Smith

Based in the UK city of Bristol, Kieran is a veteran journalist in the cryptocurrency space. He holds a bachelors degree in literature from Aberystwyth University. Visit for more.


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2202, 2020

‘Flash Loan’ exploits spark DeFi debate

|22 Feb 2020|News|

DeFi protocols are swelling, with more funds than ever locked in smart contracts. But two recent exploits have highlighted their vulnerabilities—leading critics to suggest they are not as decentralized as they might appear to be.

2102, 2020

Trump budget puts crypto in secret service crosshairs

|21 Feb 2020|News|

To step up action against financial crime, the White House wants to bring the U.S. Secret Service—the agency tasked with protecting the nation’s leaders and safeguarding its financial system—back to its original home in the Treasury Department.

1502, 2020

Australia releases blockchain roadmap

|15 Feb 2020|News|

Agriculture, manufacturing, and renewable energy are all ripe for blockchain-powered disruption, according to a new national strategy from the Australian Government.

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