Lama Kanj

Lama is a blockchain enthusiast and the managing editor of She also specializes in ICO and blockchain media at


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406, 2018

How to use PR to promote an ICO

|4 Jun 2018|News|

A well-promoted ICO could potentially attract millions in investment, but if it’s poorly promoted it might not earn enough to create the coin. Here are some best practice ICO PR tips for 2018

902, 2018

Cryptocurrency volatility: Why the risk-reward tradeoff is skewed

|9 Feb 2018|News|

Cryptographic assets are one of the most — if not the most — volatile asset class there is; you can make loads of money or lose everything. While for many the possibility of generating spectacular returns is the key attraction of crypto, are the risks consummate with the potential rewards?

502, 2018

How cryptocurrencies can reduce global poverty

|5 Feb 2018|News|

Cryptocurrency is all the rage among savvy investors. But the technology has the potential for social change far beyond this. Cryptocurrencies can open access to financial services for underserved populations in developing countries, and they even have the potential to reduce global poverty by facilitating better access to capital and financial resources, and by enabling small business transactions.

1601, 2018

5 Ways to manage crypto market ups & downs

|16 Jan 2018|News|

2017 was in general a great year for cryptocurrency investors. Bitcoin, as you know, rose to unprecedented heights and managed mostly to stay there despite fears of the bubble bursting. Altcoins made more modest progress, but turned out to be just as solid of an investment.

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