Nick Evdokimov

Nick is a digital marketing processes entrepreneur, and co-founder of Cryptonomy Fund. In 2008, he founded and developed – a market leader in automatic search engine optimization. In 2014,  he became a founder and CEO at AppinTop – a successful automated mobile marketing platform for app developers. The entrepreneur also founded and promoted AdtoApp, the programmatic mediation platform for in-app advertising. Nick shifted his attention to the blockchain in 2014, investing in cryptocurrency mining assets, including mining facilities and capacities. For the past year he has focused on ICO technology, founding an innovative token launch platform Cryptonomos and co-funding token sales SaaS provider ICOBox. Nick is the author of several books and articles on internet and blockchain technologies.


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  • Blockchain opportunities in atypical markets
    10 Sep 2017

    As virtual currency skyrockets in value and credibility, more and more people are beginning to take a serious look at blockchain technology to disrupt various industries. Banks are already adopting the technology at a breakneck pace: a 2016 report by IBM predicts that by 2020, 66% of banks worldwide expect to be using blockchain at scale in their commercial operations.

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