Willy Woo

Willy Woo is a New Zealander with 15 years experience founding multiple startups. Previously an angel investor, and a trader during the 2008 world financial crisis, he now dedicates the much of his time with data driven analysis on crypto-currency markets, you can read some of his work on his blog at woobull.com.


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3110, 2016

Bitcoin volatility will match major fiat currencies by 2019

|31 Oct 2016|News|

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a mysterious character who claimed it to be a payments network. But unlike most other payment networks like PayPal and Visa, it screwed with our minds by having its own token. A token that had a price that floated against other currencies. In basic terms, this means if you fund a bitcoin wallet to buy something, it may be worth less (or more) by the time you come around to spending it.

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