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GameCredits & Unity partnership to drive blockchain gaming solutions in 2018

GameCredits & Unity partnership to drive blockchain gaming solutions in 2018

GameCredits Inc's recent deal with Unity Technologies looks set to move the Belgrade company much closer to having its GAME cryptocurrency become the default currency for the world's 2.6 billion gamers.

GameCredits Inc’s recent deal with Unity Technologies looks set to move the Belgrade company much closer to having its ‘GAME’ cryptocurrency become the default currency for the world’s 2.6 billion gamers.

As creators of the world’s most popular game-building engine, Unity is uniquely positioned to hasten the adoption of blockchain and crypto solutions. Operating on more than 3 billion devices worldwide, the Unity engine is used in over half of all modern mobile games, and more than two-thirds of Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality content.

The deal will see the GAME digital currency integrated into the Unity engine — allowing developers to utilize the blockchain company’s payment method both within GameCredits’ mobile game store, GPlay, and beyond it. The GPlay store  will also be integrated into Unity’s game-development ecosystem (a beta roll-out is scheduled for February 2018) and developers will be able to publish their games directly to it.

From a financial perspective, the announcement is particularly significant for developers, as the GPlay store will share 90% of gross revenue (instead of the industry standard 70%), and will pay developers within 60 hours (instead of 60 days).

“We hope to reach a point where … developers will literally have a one-click solution when it comes to publishing their content.."
— — GameCredits COO Alex Migitko

GameCredits COO Alex Migitko says the agreement is a big deal for all involved and will benefit developers and publishers alike. “For us, the most important aspects of the deal include providing additional content for the GPlay store,” he says, “and we hope to reach a point where the store will be integrated deep enough that developers will literally have a one-click solution when it comes to publishing their content.”

For Unity, the partnership with a blockchain specialist aligns well with the company’s strategic vision of technical leadership in the gaming sector. "Unity is known for aggressively adopting new technologies that democratize game development, solve hard problems and enable success for developers,” says Unity Asia Pacific President, Hubert Larenaudie. “With GameCredits, we intend to bring about a paradigm shift in the gaming industry. Blockchain solutions will help disintermediate game publishing and give better returns to creators."

For many, it will be their first exposure to a blockchain solution — positioning GameCredits and Unity as pioneers in the space. Says GameCredits CEO Sergey Sholom “With GPlay and our eSport platform we are bringing the benefits of blockchain and digital assets to the largest global audience yet — enabling true mainstream adoption of these technologies for the first time.”

For example, game developers building on the Unity engine will have access to a GameCredits plugin that will instantly allow their title to run wager matches and tournaments. Initially these competitions will have GAME prize pools provided by the developers — but ultimately it’s hoped that players will be able to put up their own stakes as the adoption of the currency becomes more widespread.

For Migitko, it’s hoped that Unity’s support of GameCredits (and blockchain more generally) will be a significant step towards empowering game developers and growing the 100 billion dollar gaming industry. “This is just the beginning,” he says, “[Unity] now have interest in blockchain technologies and we are discussing other joint projects. So it’s actually a very big thing for the industry.”

Also on GameCredits’ menu for 2018, are continued partnerships (via its GNation initiative) with e-sports teams. The company has just announced a pairing with Japan’s multi-esport team DetonatioN Gaming, and more announcements are pending Migitko says.

Brave New Coin GameCredits detonation gaming s front five2

DetonatioN Gaming

Of greatest interest for developers, perhaps, will be the launch of GameCredits’ ‘GFunding’ which will seek to pair investors and game developers in a secure crowd-funding platform built on smart contracts. “The purpose of our funding platform is to use the benefits of blockchain to create a crowdfunding platform that surpasses the limitations of existing crowd-funding models,” Migitko says. “Developers will be able to get incremental monthly funding with proof of their work, or a percentage of future revenues. Investors can track the progress of games and also receive revenue percentages.”  A beta version of GFunding is scheduled for release during quarter 2, 2018.

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