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KIRA – Connecting decentralized Web3 applications

KIRA – Connecting decentralized Web3 applications

Milana Valmont and Mateusz Grzelak are the co-founders of KIRA, a financial hub connecting decentralized Web3 applications.

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Why you should listen:

KIRA is a decentralized network secured by both cryptocurrencies and real world assets at stake thanks to its proprietary Multi-Bonded-Proof-of-Stake (MBPoS) consensus mechanism. Positioned within the Interchain and Web3 ecosystems KIRA makes it safer and easier to gain access to decentralized financial applications and unlock the economic potential of your capital to generate yield.

As part of the Web3 stack, KIRA enables value settlement between dApps and the largest interconnected networks in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Supporting links:

Kira Network

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