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1208, 2024

SSV Labs – Next Generation Re/Staking

|12 Aug 2024|Podcasts|

Alon Muroch is the Founder of SSV Labs, a globally distributed team of developers, researchers, and ETH enthusiasts working to ensure Ethereum becomes fail-proof for many years to come. is a decentralized, open-source ETH staking network, based on Secret Shared Validator (SSV) technology.

1403, 2023

Launchnodes – Investment Grade Staking

|14 Mar 2023|Podcasts|

Jaydeep Korde is the founder of Launchnodes, which provides nodes on infrastructure, the public cloud or bare metal, for Ethereum and other proof-of-stake blockchains. Launchnodes make it easy to spin up pre-configured, secure Validator, Beacon, Geth, and RPC nodes, allowing you to become a Solo Staker.

904, 2020

Bitfinex launches staking rewards program

|9 Apr 2020|News|

Bitfinex joins the list of major exchanges to offer staking rewards, launching with EOS, Cosmos (ATOM), and (VSYS), with Tezos (XTZ) set to follow in May

2801, 2020

Staking ecosystem surges to $8 billion valuation

|28 Jan 2020|News|

The total amount of staked cryptocurrency has spiked to an all-time-high over $8 billion. Holders of proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies are choosing to stake their coins to support the network in exchange for income.

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