Protect Yourself – Should Crypto holders prepare for aggressive U.S. Government enforcement?

Benjamin Sauter is a partner at Kobre and Kim, a legal firm that specializes in International Disputes and Investigations. The firm prides itself on its aggressive, trial-ready approach. Ben’s role is to aggressively defend clients in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries against high-stakes government enforcement actions.
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Ben and his colleagues wrote a piece for Brave New Coin called The U.S. govt is aggressively prosecuting crypto cases – how to defend yourself. The article summary reads: Thinking Beyond The Government Playbook – how crypto holders can proactively plan for and respond to aggressive U.S. Government enforcement tactics.
Ben says the high level takeaway is that U.S. prosecutors are becoming increasingly aggressive in their attempts to police digital asset markets — and more creative in their ability to follow through. Recent events highlight the ability of prosecutors not only to collect actionable intelligence about digital assets, but also to use that information to achieve law enforcement objectives across international borders.
By recognizing these tactics and acting proactively, individuals with digital-asset wealth can reduce the risk of falling afoul of the authorities.
With U.S. prosecutors adopting an aggressive approach towards enforcement against cryptocurrency market players, companies and individuals who are concerned that they may be the target of a government investigation should prepare to mount a creative defense. That means hiring skilled counsel who understands not just criminal defense and trial strategy, but also the complex technical issues raised by digital asset holdings, including blockchain forensics, and asset forfeiture procedures.
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