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Roger Ver, on who gets to decide how Bitcoin moves forward

Roger Ver, on who gets to decide how Bitcoin moves forward

Anarchapulco, the largest and only explicit Anarcho Capitalist conference in the world, was jam-packed with alternative media celebrities, activists and pioneers. Among them Roger Ver.

Anarchapulco, the largest and only explicit Anarcho Capitalist conference in the world, was jam-packed with alternative media celebrities, activists and pioneers. Among them Roger Ver, known by some as "Bitcoin Jesus," who is amonsgt the most outspoken Anarcho Capitalists and Bitcoin advocates.

Ver has been a long time proponent of voluntaryism, the idea that all human interactions should be by mutual consent, or not at all. He doesn’t make exceptions for people wearing uniforms and working in buildings with flags in front. He earned the tittle through his angel investment rounds during the early years of Bitcoin development.

In 2011, his company, , became the first mainstream company to start accepting bitcoin as payment. He then went on to create, the first website in the world to accept bitcoin as payment for hundreds of thousands of items, and was a major driver in the first wave of merchant adoption. He then became one of the first people to start investing in Bitcoin companies.

Ver and I sat down to discuss the current block size debate. Who are the main players in this cybernetic power struggle over the future of Bitcoin? what are the rules of the game and who is paying?

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