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Bitcoin Security Made Easy

403, 2017

Bitcoin Security Made Easy: using 2-factor authentication

|4 Mar 2017|News|

By now you’ve probably heard of 2FA, or two-factor authentication, and know you should probably be using it. When I first heard of 2FA, I didn’t really understand how it worked or why I would intentionally want to add more time and steps to logging in. It sounded like a time-consuming chore. I was worried that if I didn’t have cell service, I’d be locked out of my accounts (not true). Or that I’d lose access to everything if I lost my phone (also not true). Today I use 2-factor on all of my important accounts and you can too!

402, 2017

Bitcoin Security Made Easy: simple tips for non-experts

|4 Feb 2017|News|

This is the first article in a series discussing general security practices that become essential when your money is digital. I have a confession. While today I work to help people and organizations secure their bitcoin, in 2013 my security practices were abysmal. My passwords were terrible. Really awful, like 12345 and Abc123.

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