Ben Ferris
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Data and Information Executive Rory Manchee has joined Melbourne-based blockchain technology vendor BNC. The new Head of Business Development is responsible for planning and executing its Digital Assets Market-Data, business and product development efforts.
Exchange network liquidity provider, Alphapoint, announced a general purpose blockchain solution today, that enables banks and other financial institutions to quickly deploy next-generation financial applications via their own blockchains.
Storj is based on blockchain technology and peer-to-peer protocols, providing secure, private, and encrypted cloud storage. While still in testing, the service has reached 1 PB of storage, in just about a month.
DisruptoCon event includes a two day conference packed with presentations from successful startups, investment case studies and also includes a Tech Talent Show as well as Pitch Fest. Watch the live stream *[here](news/disruptocon-live-stream/ "")* at BraveNewCoin.
Inside Bitcoins is returning to New York! Join us at the Javits Convention Center to hear thought provoking keynotes and seminars. Interested in attending? Get 10% OFF with discount code BRAVE. [Register Now!]( "")
Bitt closed its $1.5 million seed round with Avatar Capital, a Caribbean investment group based in Trinidad and Tobago. This initial capital investment will allow Bitt to continue to develop and expand its core services.
Join Inside Bitcoins, at the Estrel Berlin, to explore the promise of decentralized technology and the future of finance.
"We take any reports about possible security issues very seriously and after reviewing the information conclude that there is no threat to the continued operation of the Ripple network." - Ripple
Clients are wary of centralised control over funds held in exchanges. Coinfloor provides a monthly Provable Solvency Report while Brawker has implemented Multi Sig Wallets.
Over the past 10 months Counterparty has become one of the most interesting projects in Bitcoin. The recent inclusion of Etheruem's open source code is by no means the only innovative aspect.