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Bitcoin Price Prediction

1410, 2020

Why you shouldn’t trust expert predictions on Bitcoin

|14 Oct 2020|News|

From critics like Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon to fans such as Peter Thiel and Richard Branson, many well-known individuals have gone public with their predictions about Bitcoin. While it is too soon to know who will be proven right, history shows that expert predictions on new technological innovations are often wide of the mark.

2411, 2018

Predictions 2019: 3 potential triggers for the next Bitcoin bull run

|24 Nov 2018|News|

After tracking sideways for months the bitcoin price has slid dramatically during November. For newcomers to the sector this was no doubt a jarring event but in reality, it is just a continuation of the number one crypto’s cyclical rise and fall. It will go up again — it always does. The real question to ask is why — what catalyst will it take to trigger the next bull run? This article assesses the three most likely contenders for that role.

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