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The Graph – the web3 protocol for data

The Graph – the web3 protocol for data

Kyle Rojas is Edge & Node Business Development and Partnerships at The Graph, a web3 protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data to empower developers to build and give users access to blockchain data in a verifiable and decentralized way.

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Why you should listen

The Graph is working to decentralize data indexing and query services for all public data on all blockchains. What Google did for web2 in a centralized and rent-extracting way, The Graph is doing for web3 in a permissionless, open-source, and inclusive way. Since The Graph launched its decentralized network in July, a huge community of indexers are serving query requests, curating useful information, and staking to protect the network.

The Graph is an indexing protocol for querying networks like Ethereum and IPFS. Anyone can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, making data easily accessible. Subgraphs can be composed into a global graph of all the world’s public information. This data can be transformed, organized, and shared across applications for anyone to query with just a few keystrokes.

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